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Make game of golf fun

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Wed, Nov 7 2012 3:58 PM (12 replies)
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  • GolfproMike
    18 Posts
    Fri, Nov 2 2012 5:55 PM

    WGT has about or the best looking golf game going but there is no fun playing just to play bogey golf about all the time I think that is why there so many quiters don't think there is that many loseing connection the clubs don't hit yardage they say and chiping and putting needs a lot of work also view of putt have to putt in reverse to have any kind of view hate to say I am sorry I spent some money for better clubs/balls just to play bogey golf not have fun more than likely WGT will not care they got the money but I do think if they would make some things better and put more fun in game it will get more players and stop some of players quiting. Thanks

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Fri, Nov 2 2012 7:24 PM

    All I can say is you need to practice, and a lot.- from your stats you dont play very often, so in golfing terms I would equate you to an occasional golfer, and as such you will struggle to score well.

    There are many people who have practiced this game and can score exeptionally well. You have decent clubs and provided your computer or connection problems are good, you too could score well if you put in the time and effort to learn your clubs and game. Search the forums for tips and guides - there is a wealth of information.

  • GolfproMike
    18 Posts
    Sat, Nov 3 2012 7:06 AM

    I have realy not seen anything to help chipping but mostly putting or a least something that can be used or understand I do look around forums.

  • 100plus
    801 Posts
    Sat, Nov 3 2012 9:31 AM

    Type in ""chipping"" or anything else you are looking for in search box at top of page>>>>>>


  • alslamerman
    17 Posts
    Sat, Nov 3 2012 12:24 PM

    this post i beleive goes along with makeing the game fun. i finaly made it to t our pro and in my first game of stroke play my game was that of a never played a game of golf befor my clubs k 15 ping no longer were concistant my putting became worse than terrible, my drives were much shorter than ever. befor as a pro i worked my way down to a 74 - 75 avg. my avg after i round as a tour pro. is a wonderful 84. i played a few more games and best i could do is 7 -8 0ver par. what gives ? if this is what happens as you move up in tiers please put me back to hack, as the game was realistic.and fun i play appx 3-4 hrs a day but im ready to just forget about this for profit only game. and find something that isnt just made to discourge me. i know this sounds like "poor me" but how can anyone play well one day and then play like a beginer the next., and not get better and please dont say buy good equipement now because what i have is very good.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sat, Nov 3 2012 9:30 PM

    For the OP -one chipping guide

    And yes as you increase Tiers, the game does get incrementally harder - longer tees, faster greens etc, so you have to relearn how to play each hole. Don't let your average discourage you, you will improve and it doesn't take long to lower your averages.

    The game should be a challenge or it would get very boring very very quickly.

    I put this to all players - if you shot 4 or 5 over for a round in real golf, would you walk away from the game? I very much doubt it.

  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Sun, Nov 4 2012 12:51 AM


    For the OP -one chipping guide

    And yes as you increase Tiers, the game does get incrementally harder - longer tees, faster greens etc, so you have to relearn how to play each hole. Don't let your average discourage you, you will improve and it doesn't take long to lower your averages.

    The game should be a challenge or it would get very boring very very quickly.

    I put this to all players - if you shot 4 or 5 over for a round in real golf, would you walk away from the game? I very much doubt it.

    But this isn`t real golf. What the players want , is to be able to play and have fun.No they dont expect to shoot low 20`s all the time. But they do expect a fair game.I think the Vem/ deviation is turned up too high, thus making the game unplayable for many players. When you shoot 2-3 under, and the game then cheats you out of that. Then you tell me where is the fairness in the game? All the players want is what they truly play for.Just like in real golf. WGT needs to have a sensible approach to the vem/ deviation. They can make the game a challenge and fun , with sensible application. Turn down the vem, and give the players a fair honest game. After all, golf is a game of honesty. Happy Swinging


  • SGTBilko
    1,686 Posts
    Sun, Nov 4 2012 3:30 AM

    Mike I am going to say this with all due respect but the problem is not the game it's your game dude. The stats do not lie (see below). Buying new clubs is one thing, understanding them and knowing how to use them is another. Ohh sure there are those on here that talk about how the game sucks or cheats, just avoid them. I have been here a long time and they have no idea what they are talking about. I have highlighted what part of your game is killing you and by far the worse is your short game. Your sand save and scrambling need to be in the 60-70 percent tile. 

    Putting Avg. Per Hole

    Putting Avg. Per Round 19.54
    One Putt % 19.87%
    Two Putt % 51.92%


    Green in Regulation 48.42%
    Avg. Distance to Pin23 Ft.
    Sand Save %16.95%
    Scrambling %18.97%


    Here is something I wrote a while back maybe this will help some...

    There is a time and place for almost every shot on here. What Bogey wrote is to the point but I like to think that a persons short game is what makes or breaks a player on WGT. When someone starts to scream about how this game sucks the first place I go is to their stats page and look at 4 things

    1. 1 putt Average
    2. 2 Putt Average
    3. Sand %
    4. Scrambling %

    By looking at these stats it will usually tell you about everything you need to know about a player. While it depends on the short game shot  I almost always use full to 3/4 backspin on the shot to control the amount of roll. So when do you use each shot? I do not believe there are any set standards but here a few I live by.

    1. Chip: Satin Wedge/Calloway- Fringe or under 2 feet from the hole. Average roll with a chip shot with full backspin 2-3 feet on a normal to slightly up hill lie, factor in 1.5 to 2 on a 1-2 down hill lie. Anymore than that look at flop shot.UPDATED Utilizing the cleveland wedge and Nike ball you will get about a 1-2 foot roll.

    2. Pitch: Satin Wedges/Calloway Ball -More that 2 feet away from green, ball is not below where I can see the green. Average roll with a pitch shot with full backspin 4-6 feet on a normal lie, 4-5 on uphill lie, add +3 on a downhill lie. UPDATED: Cleveland Wedges/Nike or Calloway Balls: Utilizing the these clubs this shot will stop almost dead to 1 foot roll.

    3. Flop: One of the least valued shots on here because most do not know how to use this shot. 95% of the time you should never hit the ding line but stop it at the first marker to the left of the ding line. Doing this will force the ball to go straight where you aim rather than come off the club head to the right. Great shot 15 to 24 feet from the hole. Great shot if you have a large down hill or up hill lie or where you think the shot does not favor a chip or pitch shot. Average roll 3-4, will stop dead with callaway s ball as will it with the Nike balls as well.

    4. Full Wedge: I am not sure how many utilize the Satin 50 yd wedge around the green on short shots but I tend to use it a lot and with great accuracy on shots anywhere from 20+ when I want the ball to stop almost dead or need a good backspin to the whole (works best with callaway S). With other balls it will roll 2-3 yds depending on the lie. UPDATED: After the announcement of the cleveland wedges and Nike balls this has dramatically changed how I play this shot now. Play the ball as a straight shot with either no or little backspin. Warning, utilizing full BS will cause the ball to back up 10 -25 feet depending on the green

    While I know there are more rules these are just a few of the basics ones I use. All to often I have seen some forum trolls write that you cannot use these with any accuracy and to that I say BS! I have 55+ (118 now) holed approach shots and maybe 10 were lucky shots from long distances. I think it was Avatar Lee that once wrote the great players on this game do not always shot birdies but they rarely have bogies. Some of the best players on here have scrambling and sand %'s in the high 70's to low 80's. While I have not achieved that, being in the mid 60's has allowed me to move to legend and shot under par right away.  IMO

    Also, get rid of that horrible spider putter. If you need help with distance during putting you can download the putter scale I made for free at my website. Good luck!



  • Hewsey
    1,958 Posts
    Sun, Nov 4 2012 8:05 AM

    Well done Sarge. This IMO is what WGT is all about. Oh, & I agree with you 100%, very good advise. Maybe it you don't want to spend a lot on a putter, try the Rossa $7.55 I believe. This putter is the best value out there IMO. 

  • GolfproMike
    18 Posts
    Sun, Nov 4 2012 10:43 AM

    Thanks for great info what putter do you think is best and not a lot of credits you are right that is the bad part of game.

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