Very good, I'm now ready to begin a new game.
Let's say I want to start an alternate OK, I click MULTIPLAYER -> CREATE A GAME
Now, on the right hand list I click on ALTERNATE SHOT
Very well, what's next (starting from what the game client suggests)
Game mode is SCORED, so no need to change that.
Well, let's choose the Course now. The next line says "Random" but I want to chose my own, so I click on the ">" button, to scroll the Courses list and.. WHAT??
As soon as I click it, it shows "The Olympic Club", it RESETS my choices so far made, and shows me the "USGA CHAMPIONSHIP ZONE" ... my settings are now reset, and I need to start over again.
The funny thing is that (knowing that this happens) if I hit the "<" button instead, I can go back and find all other Courses, until I reach "Bethpage Black" and guess what: I am not redirected to the USGA page. But if I click the "<" button again, I reach the Olympic, and I am redirected.
Please WGT, fix this behaviour of the Game client, and do not redirect to the USGA CHAMPIONSHIP ZONE page when trying to set up a game from the main menu.
This happens for EVERY game mode you want to play. If you follow the menu, your choices are reset every time you try to chose the Course, giving some frustration and having you to start over again.
It looks like the only way to make a selection straight is to select
EXPLORE COURSES -> SEE ALL COURSES, and then proceed from there.
I know this works, but it's not the most intuitive way.