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Chat with MisterWGT 11/20 2PM PST - NEW PLATFORM!

Wed, Nov 14 2012 6:30 PM (58 replies)
  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Mon, Nov 5 2012 9:14 PM


    Getting Started:

    “This sounds great! How do I create an account?”

    Please visit and sign up for your free account.

    “WGTpizza, do I really need to set up a account?”

    Yes. I suggest you make an account with the same user name you use on WGT. If you do not use a account, you will not be able to view the Chat with MisterWGT.

    Ok, I’m signed up, now where do I find the channel where the broadcast will take place?”

    The man asked "do I really NEED to set up..etc ..?"

    Your response should be "yes, you NEED to make an account etc etc.."

    Or.."No , you do not NEED to set up account etc, etc."

    I don't recall him asking for yours or anyone elses SUGGESTIONS..?..

    So to answer my previous post, is this site you directed me to last month, now defunct..?? ...Andy


  • bhoese
    679 Posts
    Mon, Nov 5 2012 9:50 PM

    I hope you still provide a transcript here on site.  It's much easier to refer back to.

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Mon, Nov 5 2012 10:19 PM


    I hope you still provide a transcript here on site.  It's much easier to refer back to.

    They always do !!!!.....where you bin leg end ?

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Mon, Nov 5 2012 10:23 PM


      I'll fix it for ya...sometimes we Americans lack in our Tech writing:)



    “WGTpizza, do I really need to set up a account?”


    If you do not use a account, you will not be able to view the Chat with MisterWGT.


    I suggest you make an account with the same user name you use on WGT, so we know who you are during the chat.


      The suggestion, although not asked for, was/is well warranted.



  • Timbo1984
    818 Posts
    Mon, Nov 5 2012 10:51 PM

    Signed up, checked it out...Looks cool.

    So question time:

    This was something we were discussing in my clubs forums last week...

    Could there be an option for Premium CC tourneys to hide the scores of previous participants while the tournament is still live like they do with RG's. Only releasing the scores after the completion of the tournament. 

    We determined that we have low participation in premium in-house tourneys for this reason...If you see a 26 or 27 having already been posted, the chances are you would not spend the credits to try beat it, leading to a fairly low purse for the tournament.

    Looking forward to the chat thingy.


  • borntobesting
    9,777 Posts
    Tue, Nov 6 2012 12:00 AM


    I hope you still provide a transcript here on site.  It's much easier to refer back to.

    If I read it correctly there will be no need for a transcript as the entire chat will be recorded and archived on You can then watch it any time that you please.

  • Phaxda
    145 Posts
    Tue, Nov 6 2012 2:12 AM

    I have signed up for and think using a site like this is a great idea in general for WGT play. I would love the opportunity to see some of the better players on here do their thing, live or recorded. I know some people do stream matches from time to time but you never really know what site they are going to use or it might be at an inconvenient time, etc. I guess that's where the always-available archive comes in handy.

    Are any elite players already using the site to stream their matches from WGT? I would follow those channels for sure--I always find it very helpful to see how the best play the game. The current options for this often leave a bit to be desired--viewing low-quality recordings on YouTube or getting whupped live by gracious superior players is how I've done it so far and these solutions are not always optimal. Although I do always welcome a good whupping, I have had far less time to play with others lately.

    One question - having never used the site, does it show only the game window? Or can you see (or does the person playing having the option to show you) the complete desktop with all running programs?

  • overtheedge
    5,885 Posts
    Tue, Nov 6 2012 3:44 AM

    Question - Why, without opening an account, when I typed in chatwithmisterwgt in the Browse window, clicked Browse, it took me to the broadcast page? 

    Its not that I wont open an account, but why is it necessary? Thanks,,,edge / Jeff

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Tue, Nov 6 2012 5:17 AM

    Yes. I suggest you make an account with the same user name you use on WGT.

    Heh-Can't wait to see who wanted to be me so bad they took my name.

  • hpurey
    11,521 Posts
    Tue, Nov 6 2012 5:23 AM


    Yes. I suggest you make an account with the same user name you use on WGT.

    Heh-Can't wait to see who wanted to be me so bad they took my name.

    Just make your name YankeeJim10k  (post count)  ;-)