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Be able to change default replacement ball

rated by 0 users
Fri, Nov 9 2012 3:30 PM (11 replies)
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  • cocakolakid
    68 Posts
    Mon, Nov 5 2012 10:54 PM

    Presently, after losing the last equipped ball,  by default the wgt basic ball is equipped and put in play. We should be able to change the default ball with one that we have in our inventory.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Mon, Nov 5 2012 11:40 PM

    The answer is no, it wont happen. If you had searched the forums you would have known this.

  • DDLB
    3,441 Posts
    Tue, Nov 6 2012 5:27 AM


    The answer is no, it wont happen. If you had searched the forums you would have known this.

    That's a big search if you don't know what your looking for.

    Those rules are from the real world. I would like to see you pick up your ball and clean it in this game.

    How is that rule applicable for ball substitution when you can see your out of bounds ball and you have to substitute a new one because you can't pick it up?

    The question of defaulting to a ball in your bag is a valid one. Every hit you have with a freeby ball is another dollar held in suspension for WGT until you buy more. After all this game is about making money for the Company.

    The answer to the question was addressed by WGT with a popup. When you are down to your last ball you are asked if you want to purchase another sleeve of balls. You still get this option I believe when lose your last ball.

  • hpurey
    11,521 Posts
    Tue, Nov 6 2012 5:38 AM

    You still get this option I believe when lose your last ball.


    Not that I'm aware of.   You get the warning and option to buy more on your last ball.  After that,  no more chances unless you go to the proshop before you lose that last one.

  • borntobesting
    9,779 Posts
    Tue, Nov 6 2012 7:53 AM


    The question of defaulting to a ball in your bag is a valid one

    No not really. With the one ball rule in effect when and if you run out of balls in a real life  tourney you are DQ'ed at least WGT  allows you to finish the round with the free ball.


    The answer to the question was addressed by WGT with a popup. When you are down to your last ball you are asked if you want to purchase another sleeve of balls. You still get this option I believe when lose your last ball.

    No once you hit a shot when the pop-up appears there is no option to buy balls except to go to the pro shop and buy them before running out.And if you are in a multi-player match you might not have time to do that before your time expired.The best thing is to click on the pop-up and buy the balls. It only takes a few seconds at most.If you run out the only option except to quit is finishing the round with the free ball. 

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Tue, Nov 6 2012 11:57 AM

    No once you hit a shot when the pop-up appears there is no option to buy balls except to go to the pro shop and buy them before running out.


    100 % Correct - so would it not be in the best interests of WGT to add a pop up if you do lose your last ball as soon as that happens?

    The other problem can be the popup does not always (when you get to your last ball)work and the purchase fails.


  • cocakolakid
    68 Posts
    Tue, Nov 6 2012 10:23 PM


    The answer is no, it wont happen. If you had searched the forums you would have known this.

    I didn't realize I was also suppose to do a search on this topic after reviewing the post titled - Player Suggestion List - Check here before posting new. 

    Furthermore, I thought this was a suggestion thread. I was only suggesting that it would be great if we could change that default ball. 

    I understand now,  WGT has adapted the one-ball rule and instead of disqualification, we are graciously given a free regular WGT ball to continue play.

    Since a ball from my inventory cannot be selected as the default "lost all balls" replacement, I wish we could at least be able to give away balls as gifts. I have been accumulating a variety of balls in my inventory and I don't know what to do with them all. If they aren't  like the nike balls I use now or better, I most likely never will use them. 

    **thanks alanti for finding the rules pertaining to this topic

  • fmagnets
    3,640 Posts
    Tue, Nov 6 2012 10:36 PM

    Use them up in the ctth sweeps...

  • cocakolakid
    68 Posts
    Wed, Nov 7 2012 12:11 AM


    Use them up in the ctth sweeps...


  • bneyla1
    143 Posts
    Fri, Nov 9 2012 11:58 AM

    I just don't understand why, if I have another ball besides the basic ball in my bag, I can't switch to that one?


    Sometimes I'll go back and forth from the Nike 20IX and the Calloway I(s), so I may be on my last Nike and am about to go back to the Calloway and don't want to spend 400 credits on a new sleeve of Nikes mid round when I have 3 perfectly good Calloways already in my bag

    Then if I lose that last Nike mid round, I can't switch to the Calloways which are ALREADY in my bag.

    I know you can do that in real golf, I've done it countless times. I just don't understand if the ball is already in my inventory why can't I use it?

    They should let you choose your backup ball, the fact you can't is unrealistic

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