Choppography:You have players actually telling you what they want....
Choppo, I guess we didn't tell them we want new courses? That new TruGolf course that was on the Upcoming Product Release list for months has vaporized. No new course and not on the Upcoming Product Release list!
PRIESTESS:Friend list needs to be disabled once a game as begun! or at least give players the OPTION of turning it off
My guess is this option doesn't produce revenue, so it may have been put on the back burner.
andyson:On Oct. 9, 2012 WGTPizza posted this comment:
There was a reference at the beginning of that thread to this change possibly being in a later update. Maybe it's not in place yet. I imagine it would have been in the news had they implemented it.
brysoni23: Some new vapor trail Max Balls 650cr a pack...............
Some new vapor trail Max Balls
650cr a pack...............
$6.50 for 3 / three -balls,,,,,LMAO! This is freaking ridiculous WGT ! Gouging at its finest.
YankeeJim:There was a reference at the beginning of that thread to this change possibly being in a later update. Maybe it's not in place yet.
Yeah, I know they didn't promise it in November. But they probably delayed the major improvement for work on the $6.50 balls or $30 clubs. Maybe WGT Baseball got in the way?
seems to me in an effort to make EVERYBODY happy , wgt only pisses everybody off ...
Fwiw, the "continue" button after being disconnected in a/s games is still broken. Way to focus on fixing issues before rolling out new stuff.
Yes sir, button still does not work. And doubt will ever be fixed. All one can do is hope.
andyson:I'm disappointed WGT! Instead of this major improvement we got what? More vapor balls?
Hi Andy,
Sorry we couldn't release this improvement this time. As mentioned, there was a possibility from the start that this would be the case, so let's hope it comes out on the next release :)
Stay classy,
WGTpizza: let's hope it comes out on the next release :) let's hope it comes out on the next release :)
Light a fire under 'em Pizza!! This has long been asked for, no begged for, by the community!