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Restricting tiers in cc tournaments

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Sun, Jan 27 2013 9:47 PM (17 replies)
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  • Tom228
    119 Posts
    Sun, Nov 11 2012 11:31 AM

    Members of my club would like to offer tournaments for certain tiers only, like tour pro and below.  Does anyone know if there is a way to restrict other tiers from entering these type of tournaments?



  • piztaker
    5,743 Posts
    Sun, Nov 11 2012 11:40 AM

    Nope. I'm sure they'll fix it one day though.

  • Tom228
    119 Posts
    Sun, Nov 11 2012 11:47 AM

    Pity, I know they can do it for their own tournaments.  Should be simple to incorporate this into cc tournaments.  Thanks for the reply.


  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Sun, Nov 11 2012 12:02 PM

    IMO There is some responsibility on the CC members to actually read the terms of play before a round. If there's a request that only certain tiers play in a CC Tourney, the members should be able to regulate that themselves by just paying attention and being respectful to their fellow CC members.

  • Tom228
    119 Posts
    Sun, Nov 11 2012 12:13 PM


    IMO There is some responsibility on the CC members to actually read the terms of play before a round. If there's a request that only certain tiers play in a CC Tourney, the members should be able to regulate that themselves by just paying attention and being respectful to their fellow CC members.

    True enough CerinoDevoti, but I myself (the cc owner) have missed the message in the tourney description.  The point is that to prevent certain tiers from entering into some tournaments can be done as wgt has that ability.  Why not the cc's.  Thanks for the reply.


  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sun, Nov 11 2012 12:58 PM

    Whilst this SHOULD be easy to implement by WGT (and been has been asked thousands of times) make sure you stipulate in the title for which Tiers the tourny is designed. If someone enters from a higher tier - send them a note to withdraw if it is a multi-round event.

    Hopefully WGT will finally do this to prevent angst by CC members

  • Tom228
    119 Posts
    Sun, Nov 11 2012 1:38 PM

    Sorry to beat a dead horse alanti.  Didn't know this topic was so discussed.  Guess I should have done more research.  Still...after some recent research....seems it hasn't been addressed by WGT.  If they can make such major changes as giving members a withdrawal rating (which I disagree with) and they already have the ability to restrict tourneys in their own world, seems like it should be relatively easy to restrict tourneys at the cc level.  Some of my members are getting pretty hot about this.  I'm pretty new at this cc ownership business as I inherited the club from another member.  I really don't have the time to police my members and I just can't justify tossing members because they violated a cc tourney restriction.  I don't want to lose members because they can't compete with the higher tiers, I, being a tour master. one of them.  I have encouraged the members to take an active role in creating cc tourneys and will continue to do so.  I may be wrong about this but I have encouraged my members to contribute to this discussion.  I'm not trying to dis anybody about this, but it does seem to be a problem.  Just a thought.  Thanks for the reply.


  • pjctas0822
    4,614 Posts
    Sun, Nov 11 2012 1:53 PM

    Need the premium tourneys not to show the leaderboards like the RG's do so that members will participate. Its hard to play a CC tourney when someone in the CC goes out and shoots the daylights out of the course early. When that happens nobody signs up to play it :(

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sun, Nov 11 2012 2:12 PM

    I feel for you Tom, it should have been addressed a long time ago, and personally I can't understand why this has not been done. It must be the biggest gripes within CCs.

    It is very frustrating to create a tourny for lower tiers only to look and see the leader is a legend - I quit one CC because of this as the owner did not want to step on anyones toes. Sadly the lower tier members then will not bother to participate when it should be fun for all levels.

    Consider running a handicap tourny, a bit of work but can be done well (we have one running currently and I have been nudged into second place by a hack lol so they can work).

    And i agree (in fact great idea) that the leaderboards should be concealed in premium tournys (perhaps a sign up period like RGs) as if someone shoots a really low score it will deter others entering

  • Tom228
    119 Posts
    Sun, Nov 11 2012 2:28 PM

    Thanks for the reply alanti.  I want to do right by my members but as I stated, I'm new at this.  I have personally given gifts of free balls and other perks out of my own credit pocket to help lower tier members (last place, 4th place, 5th place, etc.)  Not sure how to set up a handicap tourney.  Can you help me out?



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