Hi My name is Dave and I Joined recently and I am really enjoying the game and progressing through the ranks and playing in tournaments just need to get playing against others now to gain more exp hope to play against many people soon . Thanks Dave
Welcome ,practice ,and join a CC ,,,,, check out country club corner , and mostly have fun
Frappe's not often wrong..welcome aboard....Andy
Good to see other new faces around here :-)
Welcome to the tour and I'll see you around...
Thank you for the greetings from everyone I have now joined a club (EZCOUNTRYGOLFCLUB) and hope to play in all of the tournaments on offer and become a much better player and be able to compete at the highest level :) but at the moment I will just be happy playing anything. Once again thanks for the welcome all the best. Dave
Welcome to wgt make sure to watch the videos I know they really helped me when started not too long ago. Don't let people get you down on here and take all advice. good luck