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Tee Shot Trajectory

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Thu, Jul 8 2010 4:42 AM (9 replies)
  • darkage47
    57 Posts
    Thu, Jun 3 2010 2:58 PM

    I thought this was maybe just me...but since St. Andrews and Oakmont I've been noticing it more. There are 2 par 3's on Kiawah, 1par 3 on Bethpage, not sure which hole on St. Andrews, and the 18th on Oakmont. On each one of these, my tee shot will vear to the left with a perfect swing...even against the wind. Could you possibly take a look at these? I don't know if anybody else experienced this but I'd be more than happy to here about it.

  • darkage47
    57 Posts
    Wed, Jun 23 2010 5:22 AM I KNOW it's not me. Second shot on Kiawah #4, 178 to the pin, 12 mph wind DIRECTLY BEHIND ME, aim 30-50 ft left of that damned bunker, hit a perfect shot with a 165 yd iron at 80-90%, and the shot GOES STRAIGHT AT (AND IN) THE BUNKER. I can see this happening if I mishit or have a cross wind...but this was a perfect shot. If you hit a perfect shot, it should go SOMEWHERE CLOSE to where you aim it. Not 30-50 ft off line. That's almost a 40 yard area with a middle iron. IMO that's a bit much. Kiawah's #4 is hard enough to get close on without THE BEAST taking that big of a bite out of a perfect shot. I have seen this on a lot of holes and courses over the last few weeks and I have also seen putts break in the wrong direction or just not break at all. This issue needs to be looked into. I will start sending bug reports on everything I encounter when I encounter it, if I feel it wasn't an error on my part.

    Hit 'em long and straight!

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, Jun 23 2010 5:57 AM

    The topic of your post as it applies to approach shots is what got you, darkage. The TM iron flight is too low to carry that bunker-one of the drawbacks to using TMs,  where there's elevation concerns.

    Try playing the hole this way. Using the reverse green view, aim at the top of that hill that forms the bunker. Play to this spot and look for a roll towards the pin. The wind as you see it in the reverse view is accurately represented. Aiming in the reverse view is the key because it gives you a better look at the landing area and resulting roll out. There isn't a lot of green to work with between the bunker and the pin so you have to drop the shot on top of it as opposed to slamming on the brakes.

    This hole and ones like BPB5 are good examples of where the higher lofted Pings excel over the TMs.  I know, it took me a long time to give in to this fact but it paid major dividends when I did. GL


  • darkage47
    57 Posts
    Wed, Jun 23 2010 6:26 AM

    Hi, YJ.

    I do appreciate your tips and suggestions .I don't think you read my post correctly. I aimed  WAY LEFT of that bunker and the shot went right towards it. I was also shooting for the roll out, but it took three hops and went right in the bunker. Now...unless they instituted the ball lie, I don't see this as being too realistic. I can see a little deviation on any shot, but this was alot. And I've been noticing it pretty often lately. But I think WGT staff needs to tweak the trajectories just a little. I know this hole pretty well. Or should I say I know this bunker pretty well. LOL  That's why I aimed so far left.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, Jun 23 2010 7:06 AM

    Yeah, I did catch that. That's why I suggested aiming in the reverse view. For some reason I get a different vibe looking at the hole this way and it seems to help. 

    On that ball lie thing it's not far fetched. Oakmont has a few places where the lie seems to affect the shot. Might just be my hopeful imagination.  :-)

  • KingOfTheCourse
    419 Posts
    Wed, Jun 23 2010 7:20 AM

    Sounds alot like the beast is back; Dark search the beast over there--------->

    or click this link


  • darkage47
    57 Posts
    Wed, Jul 7 2010 4:26 PM

    Here is another shot that goes way left, right off the club face. This was a dinged hit with 19mph tailwind. It should have never veered off THAT much. This needs to be fixed. I also sent a bug report.

    [View:{ "GUID" : "a1e14bcf-6337-4925-9436-9dac017c605c", "Brand" : "undefined" }:550:0]

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, Jul 7 2010 6:10 PM

    . It should have never veered off THAT much

    It followed the direction of the wind perfectly. You didn't say where you aimed but that result was exactly what should have happened. You would have needed to aim right of the pin as it turns out. Sorry.  :-(

  • mefitz
    372 Posts
    Wed, Jul 7 2010 7:12 PM

      The "beast" has been raging out of control for the past couple of weeks. I`ve sent more bug reports in the last two weeks than I have for the rest of the year prior. And it`s only about a tenth of the time I bother to report Another "Unexpected outcome".

      As for the par threes, they can be very "special". On BB #8 I`m always shocked if the ball actually goes where I think it should (about one in fifty). Maybe it`s WGT`s idea of "swirling wind"? Even with low wind it has some "special" outcomes, as does KI #s 14 and 17.

      I`ve got two "bug replays" saved from Oakmont right now. One is a "dinged" approach shot on #4 that goes 7yds wide.Granted it was from 226yds out...but still! That would make the so-called "circle of precision" about 14yds. wide in diameter for my HB....As Wide as some Fairways! The expectation after dinging a shot makes it harder to swallow when the "beast" takes a bite!

      The other is # 9s green hiding a narrow swath just above the hole that ignores where it breaks Hard, my ball just ambles off on a diagonal from the hole, as if the break isn`t there.

      I can only hope the beast gets some sedatives for the Opens...but then, I won`t be used to that either!  ;P

  • darkage47
    57 Posts
    Thu, Jul 8 2010 4:42 AM


    . It should have never veered off THAT much

    It followed the direction of the wind perfectly. You didn't say where you aimed but that result was exactly what should have happened. You would have needed to aim right of the pin as it turns out. Sorry.  :-(

    Sorry YJ, but IMHO that is not what should have happened. I never moved the aiming marker, so the tee shot should have gone STRAIGHT OFF THE CLUB FACE and then follow the wind, which still should have kept me on the green. Instead it ended up in the rough and I ended up with a bogey because the chipping doesn't work the way it should either (but that's another thread, short chips don't work correctly). I still think this needs to be tweaked a tad. This isn't the only hole or course this happens on. On every course I have had this happen. Don't get me wrong, I like the unpredictability, (that's part of golf), but this is too much. When I hit a dinged shot, in these conditions, I expect a certain result, with SOME deviation, of course, but not this much.

    I'll just keep pluggin' away. Keep it in the short grass.