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Legends beating the system

rated by 0 users
Wed, Nov 14 2012 8:28 AM (30 replies)
  • rjv957
    13 Posts
    Mon, Nov 12 2012 6:35 AM

    I have noticed lately...that when I play a Legend player or tour Master, if I am winning or leading going into the last hole...they automatically forfeit the game...I get NO points to advance to next level, plus the game does not count as a win or loss for they can maintain there "squeeky" clean record..just not the game does NOT count as one played in the last 24 I have to play another game to continue to receive my "consecutive" days played bonus.....something NEEDS to be done...anyone else experiencing this....

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Mon, Nov 12 2012 9:27 AM

    Had to self delete my last post.........surffice to say you are playing with the wrong legends / t/m's.....aaargh, so much more to add.

    I'll play you, won't quit or lose, and my record though sparse is not 'squeeky'...nor is it or has ever been, a consideration....think I along with 90+% of WGT players ?

    TIP: Play other formats for dailys ?  ....Andy

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Mon, Nov 12 2012 9:39 AM

    .they automatically forfeit the game

    if anyone forfeits it should record their loss & your win.....unless it's in practise mode.


    1,189 Posts
    Mon, Nov 12 2012 9:39 AM

    they automatically forfeit the game...I get NO points to advance to next level, plus the game does not count as a win or loss for they can maintain there "squeeky" clean record..just not the game does NOT count as one played in the last 24 hours....


    You don't seem to know what you're talking about. If you're playing in scored MP mode, the game ALWAYS counts as a win in your book if your opponent forfeits and he gets a loss in his records. And you always get the points for cdp. The only way this would not happen is if he sent you a "drop game" request and you accepted it. But if you played them in practice mode, scores wouldn't have shown in your stats even if you finished the game.

    Check your stats again.

  • Oldbayrunner
    1,774 Posts
    Mon, Nov 12 2012 9:56 AM

    Alsothe matches will show in your activity views and you show no TM' or Legends played.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Mon, Nov 12 2012 10:18 AM


    I have noticed lately...that when I play a Legend player or tour Master, if I am winning or leading going into the last hole...they automatically forfeit the game...I get NO points to advance to next level, plus the game does not count as a win or loss for they can maintain there "squeeky" clean record..just not the game does NOT count as one played in the last 24 I have to play another game to continue to receive my "consecutive" days played bonus.....something NEEDS to be done...anyone else experiencing this....

    First off, which types of multiplayer games do you play?

    Secondly, as stated by others, if you stay in the lobby and wait till the clock has run out, you'll get the win in matchplay - in strokeplay, the wins aren't counted.

    Third, I'd not rely on any MP game for the XPs, even less for the CDP bonus - you better play a little 3 hole practice game for yourself, or just one hole, via the "courses" tab under WGT Community.

  • Dubfore
    4,350 Posts
    Mon, Nov 12 2012 10:28 AM

    This might be a little off the subject, but since WGT introduced the percentage ratings,  I've noticed at the end of games that opponents who have disconnected, the results show that the disconnected player has won the game, at the score they had when they left.

    Has anyone got some information about this problem?



  • rjv957
    13 Posts
    Mon, Nov 12 2012 10:29 AM

    No..on the last hole..both times, my opponent...just forfeits, then wgt says I get the win..but its not recorded and I get no credit points to advance to next I have to play another keep my consecutive game streak going....this has happened numerous times..I  NEVER play practice games..just scored ones...just don;t understand what is happening???


    1,189 Posts
    Mon, Nov 12 2012 3:07 PM

    No..on the last hole..both times, my opponent...just forfeits, then wgt says I get the win..but its not recorded and I get no credit points to advance to next I have to play another keep my consecutive game streak going....this has happened numerous times..I  NEVER play practice games..just scored ones...just don;t understand what is happening???


    It doesn't seem to be happening to anybody else, so it's a safe bet it's not happening to you. Your activities show a win against a legend from yesterday, is he one of the ones that conceded? If MPs were scored (different tees), the wins ALWAYS show up in your activities, if they're practice MPs (same tees), they don't. It's that simple. I forfeited a few games to a friend a 2 weeks ago to prove a point (successfully) and all of them showed in his activities as wins (and in my stats as losses). Check again.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Mon, Nov 12 2012 3:59 PM


    No..on the last hole..both times, my opponent...just forfeits, then wgt says I get the win..but its not recorded and I get no credit points to advance to next I have to play another keep my consecutive game streak going....this has happened numerous times..I  NEVER play practice games..just scored ones...just don;t understand what is happening???


    Seems awfully strange that WGT have targetted only you and no-one else. Despite winning by forfeit or otherwise, it does not show in your history hmmm.

    As adamant as you are regarding the games being scored MP, if they were scored this WOULD show as a win in your history - no exceptions unless you lost. If they were under practice mode (playing from the same tees) no record is kept regardless of the result.

    Also a little tip - you seem to want to play higher tiered players. Thats fine but is probably the quickest way to get tiered up these days - and your stats would suggest you are not ready to do so. Only 110 RR, best 9 =32 best 18 =67 Average in RR 67.76 despite being level 95 and your other statistics are not too flash. So my advice would be to play more ranked rounds and dont solely concentrate on MP, because if you do get tiered up too quickly you will really struggle.