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Questions for MisterWGT! Chat date/time: 11/20 2pm PST

Fri, May 24 2013 9:05 AM (86 replies)
  • christomento
    31 Posts
    Wed, Nov 14 2012 12:31 PM

    How about expanding the hole locations at St. Andy's?  Reverse the hole locations on the seven shared greens (2nd paired with 16th, 3rd with 15th, all the way up to 8th and 10th).

  • d3194
    211 Posts
    Wed, Nov 14 2012 12:52 PM

    How about a golf bag where players can chnge clubs, balls, customize w/logos pic's and so on. Quit making us play with house balls when we run out of our reg. balls i have diff. balls for diff courses and games. so as in real life let me pck them when needed

  • chris5214
    1,937 Posts
    Wed, Nov 14 2012 2:31 PM


    My CC has been playing a lot of uneven lie games as part of a multi format tournament we are in the process of now. Many who were disappointed with "uneven" when it first came out, have enjoyed the upgraded version. Most everyone agrees that whatever adjustment was made before needs to be repeated and you might be approaching some sort of realism!

    2nd that .. in addition though, as has been mentioned, shot shaping needs an intro  timeline also .. UEL & shaping goes hand in hand

  • LeGeNdCrUsHeR
    2,067 Posts
    Wed, Nov 14 2012 4:38 PM

    I would like to see WGT do random act's of kindness.  Just as we have implemented here over the last couple of weeks.  Can WGT work something like this into their budget?  I know it would "perk" the community up!

  • notonthis
    893 Posts
    Wed, Nov 14 2012 4:53 PM


    I would like to see WGT do random act's of kindness.  Just as we have implemented here over the last couple of weeks.  Can WGT work something like this into their budget?  I know it would "perk" the community up!

    Lmao rich i almost pissed on myself. This will be sure to happen if they hire you otherwise only way your gonna get a gift is if you deposit 20 bucks and get a free sleeve that you just paid for lol. Only to lose all 3 due to the blitz glitch. Havent even seen free rentals in months but good idea rich but you got me cracking up for real.

  • peteduffer
    48 Posts
    Wed, Nov 14 2012 5:28 PM

    Why are all the surveys full or done? Some of these surveys I've tried taking for over two months and get the same story. Survey is done! Come on Wgt you want people to play on here and your making millions why not provide surveys that can be completed. You guys always have excuses but no real answers.....

  • TheDuckinator
    1,691 Posts
    Wed, Nov 14 2012 5:35 PM

    I would love to see a spectator mode. Our CC runs a lot of alt shot and match play tourneys and it would be nice to be able to watch some of the matches.

    We also need to be able to delegate duties within the cc. Give the owner the ability to assign owner privileges to other members of the club.


    5,835 Posts
    Wed, Nov 14 2012 7:04 PM

    Would love to see an option to restrict tournaments to specific tiers. Tier Option: All participate-Legend only-Tour Master Only...etc.

    Yes please!
    We have been requesting this for a very very long time.

    the ability to play CC stroke tournaments in multiplayer mode.

    Also this!

    We need more CC options for games as well as general CC options.
    Are there any PLANS for ANY further CC options? 


    • Ability to select CC Committee/ Co-Owners with similar/ optional owners privileges.
    • Ability to Merge/ Moderate our CC forum threads better. 
    • Better Club Message formatting options
    • CC chat / game lobby
    • Membership invites - When being removed from the public list of CC's, allow the Owner to STILL INVITE to the club.
    • Ability to upload your OWN Club Image.


    WGT also needs some improvement to its GUI many of these have been requested for a long time too.
    Are there any PLANS for ANY of these?

    • Ability to select multiple friends/ members to a) Message b) Delete
    • Hover your mouse above a WGT Members name ANYWHERE in the site to see instant stats
    • Check boxes next to messages to select multiples and delete.
    • Message Alert in game window. 
    • Remove Friends List from game window 
    • Current ability to select multiple friends for messages is broken.
    • Game lobby.
    • Ability to click on Members name to load profile in Friend Request as in CC request.
    • Remove/ Improve options for the WGT Recommends box in Game window for Higher Tiered Players who no longer require info on 'How To Equip Clubs' etc
    • Avatar options to customise - shoes, hat, belt, shirt - colours & type


    I'm stuck now...  Arl be bark.


  • DaveStrock
    919 Posts
    Wed, Nov 14 2012 8:18 PM

    How about more tourneys in every category,seems with 100's of thousands perhaps millions playing this game there should be more tourneys available for everyone,especially the 50 cent tourneys for us retired not so wealthy competitive old farts on a fixed income who love to play but don't like risking several dollars a day on a game..........bigger payouts and more giveaway prize tourneys?...

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Wed, Nov 14 2012 9:25 PM

    Personally I would like the introduction of new championship courses on a more regular basis (and I am aware that this is a complex task from start to finish) , even if we had to pay a green fee to use them. The problem is the more seasoned players have or are getting bored playing the same courses currently available, and as a result are leaving the game or playing less.

    Secondly I would like to see the restructuring/implementation of a new awards/rewards program simalar to loyalty programs many companys have. Currently the loyal player gets little in return for their investment in the game apart from the enjoyment that WGT does offer. A true rewards program will keep players loyal to the game.