Kaloke: Would love to see an option to restrict tournaments to specific tiers. Tier Option: All participate-Legend only-Tour Master Only...etc.
Yes please!
We have been requesting this for a very very long time.
YankeeJim: the ability to play CC stroke tournaments in multiplayer mode.
Also this!
We need more CC options for games as well as general CC options.
Are there any PLANS for ANY further CC options?
- Ability to select CC Committee/ Co-Owners with similar/ optional owners privileges.
- Ability to Merge/ Moderate our CC forum threads better.
- Better Club Message formatting options
- CC chat / game lobby
- Membership invites - When being removed from the public list of CC's, allow the Owner to STILL INVITE to the club.
- Ability to upload your OWN Club Image.
WGT also needs some improvement to its GUI many of these have been requested for a long time too.
Are there any PLANS for ANY of these?
- Ability to select multiple friends/ members to a) Message b) Delete
- Hover your mouse above a WGT Members name ANYWHERE in the site to see instant stats
- Check boxes next to messages to select multiples and delete.
- Message Alert in game window.
- Remove Friends List from game window
- Current ability to select multiple friends for messages is broken.
- Game lobby.
- Ability to click on Members name to load profile in Friend Request as in CC request.
- Remove/ Improve options for the WGT Recommends box in Game window for Higher Tiered Players who no longer require info on 'How To Equip Clubs' etc
- Avatar options to customise - shoes, hat, belt, shirt - colours & type
I'm stuck now... Arl be bark.