Hiya, slightly long post coming up so get coffee and or a snack.
I have been a member on WGT for 1 year, i am not a real life golfer nor am I a game player at all, not pc or consol, I enjoy playing golf games as I find them relaxing, WGT is the best most realistic I've come across. I played every day for hours for about 3 months, with so much practice I got better quite quickly but my downfall was inconsistency due to the fact I could hardly ever time the swing meter to be bang centre. When the meter was moving it always juddered along so was really hard to tell when to click and there was a really bad delay between clicking and reaction. I Used Firefox as my browser, I tried changing to a laser mouse I knew my pc was very basic with a rubbish graphics card so i persevered and tried to learn to gauge the meter better but the juddering was so hit and miss so i stopped playing.
I tried again after 3 months and it was even worse, by this time I had changed to using Google Chrome. I gave up playing again for another 6 months. Two days ago I came back to try again, still as bad, i couldn't enjoy the game because it was so frustrating to constantly miss with the swing meter, I tried changing my resolution changed my pc settings from quality to performance, nothing worked.
I was about to see if i could find a pc forum when I thought I'd check WGT forums to see how many others had this same frustrating problem, while looking at the various areas i spied the 'Minimum requirements' post. So I took a peek at that and was curious to see a few different suggestions for each browser to try to make sure the game was playing at it's best.... I saw this bit about checking the plug in's for Google Chrome to see if there was one with the name pepper in it, so i thought, well, can't do any harm, I looked in my settings, there was a 'pepper' plug in, so as per the instructions on WGT I disabled it, IT'S A GOD DAMN BONA FIDE MIRACLE!!! my swing meter now runs ultra smoothly, I would urge anyone else with swing meter problems to check out the suggestions under the Minimum Requirements on the right hand side of the page, with one click I was instantly playing at the level i had been before despite having had a 6 month break, sorry for length of post, feel frree to edit it Admins.