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How are you guys doing it?

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Fri, Nov 16 2012 3:19 PM (16 replies)
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  • pjschaub
    173 Posts
    Wed, Nov 14 2012 3:14 PM

    I am simpley amazed how you upper level and lower level, for that matter, players shooting 17 under on the oakmont course for the flash back touny. I am playing like crap and there is a loss of confidents in my game when ever I see a score wiping me off the map. Maybe it's a combo of things that is on my part but to continue day in day out shooting in the 80's is just killing me. The green speed and dots aren't jiving or I have not got the game skills for such a tournament. Maybe I'm writing this for one to let off steam or two to get some confidents back. It would be nice to get some constructive critism not just some guy being funny or abusive.

  • gmaster007
    2,101 Posts
    Wed, Nov 14 2012 3:37 PM

    I'd say,... look at your avatar for answers,
    meaning it's a constant fight with the inner demons,
    it's a mental & psychological game, because you play it against... yourself!
    and that's the first thing you have to remember.

    no one gets to make a 56 at oakmont overnight.

    hell, I've been in this game for over 2 freaking years,
    and only recently broke 65. this game is all about baby steps and self observing.
    if you want a sure way to kill a tourney, have a peek at the leaderboard, that'll do it :)

    don't worry about what others are doing,
    you're playing the course, not them. remember that
    and you WILL get there eventually.

    and remember to have fun,
    some of the lowest scores I've ever produced
    were made with the free ball, and just out of sheer boredom
    on some idle afternoon.

    some of the worst ones, were produced out of ego and
    pressuring myself into shooting very low rounds.

    just have fun, and you will play well.


  • LizzieRossetti
    1,545 Posts
    Wed, Nov 14 2012 3:51 PM

    Without being any of the above three PJ, scoring so low has always been a conundrum to the majority, if only because it seems so unfeasable when placed next to ones own scores.

    Imagine the scene however, were you to concentrate wholly upon Wgt, to spend time collating notes, to make a little thingy to go on your screen under the meter bar, to read all there is to read about club distances, putting speeds and green speeds, to have a calculator to hand and the ability to factor in wind, elevation,lie and course knowledge. Each shot then becomes an equation of factors which rely heavily on an ability to hit the meter bar in the right place, and can only produce almost identical results upon each attempt.

    There is talk of VEM, the lurgie, lie telling winds and monster ball magnets, but truly, using all of the above and a little skill with the meter, you can overcome each of these perceived difficulties and produce shots and results like those you mention.

    After all, this is a computer generated operation, and a computer can only react to the users input- it cannot  make things up other than the commands it receives. The secret then, lies in knowing the parameters of all the factors, and this knowledge is not instantaneous and cannot overcome our inate beliefs that we can do no wrong.

    I know what you're saying because I have thought the very same things, but it is all relative. When I began, I could not comprehend my making par, and yet in time, I did. The same for breaking par, and moving down into the 60's and occasionally beyond. At the present time, I cannot see me hitting regular low 50's, but maybe given time, patience and more knowledge ( none of which I have :-) ) I could be there one day. But I doubt it.

    I hope this helps a little, but I know it won't satisfy since only self belief will prove that for you.


    Lizzie xx

  • pjschaub
    173 Posts
    Wed, Nov 14 2012 3:59 PM

    Amen to the first and Thanks to the second, I shouldn't be looking at the other scores for sure.

  • pjschaub
    173 Posts
    Wed, Nov 14 2012 4:04 PM

    Thank you for the message very helpfull. :)

  • Buckeye8084
    307 Posts
    Wed, Nov 14 2012 4:08 PM

    I too am in awe of people shooting in the low 50's. I just played my best round of 60 at US Open tourney. I left a few out there but holed out for eagle and made some tough putts. 99% of the best scores have the best clubs too. Only a few have less than r11 irons which you have.

    Just looking over your clubs briefly it appears you have a cluster of different meter speeds. Having a consistent meter IMO helps hitting the dinger more frequently.

  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Wed, Nov 14 2012 5:06 PM


    I am simpley amazed how you upper level and lower level, for that matter, players shooting 17 under on the oakmont course for the flash back touny. I am playing like crap and there is a loss of confidents in my game when ever I see a score wiping me off the map. Maybe it's a combo of things that is on my part but to continue day in day out shooting in the 80's is just killing me. The green speed and dots aren't jiving or I have not got the game skills for such a tournament. Maybe I'm writing this for one to let off steam or two to get some confidents back. It would be nice to get some constructive critism not just some guy being funny or abusive.


    Not sure if you noticed but for this tourney everybody has to play from the Legend tees.You were moved back to the tips. With your equipment your scores aren't bad.

  • ChipNSink
    427 Posts
    Wed, Nov 14 2012 5:17 PM


    I'd say,... look at your avatar for answers,
    meaning it's a constant fight with the inner demons,
    it's a mental & psychological game, because you play it against... yourself!
    and that's the first thing you have to remember.

    don't worry about what others are doing,

    you're playing the course, not them. remember that
    and you WILL get there eventually.

    some of the worst ones, were produced out of ego and
    pressuring myself into shooting very low rounds.


    Second this. Don't worry so much about how good or bad others do compared to yourself.

    You play yourself every single time. And as Liz says - a lot of parameters to factor into your game.
    When you are ready - I suggest you go through some of the Guides made in the Community Help section on this forum.
    There is a lot of good knowledge in them - made by othes who have been around for so long, that they started to get a grips on how the game works.

    First round I did when I started playing here, I handed in a 108 scorecard from St. Andrews full 18.  
    Since then I picked up a lot of knowledge - by courtesy of all those who failed before me, and went on to make posts about their mistakes - and even if I am (by far) not an expert, it paid of on my game.

    I was also very discouraged every time I entered a tournament, handed in a scorecard - and then checked leaderboard only to find myself at #3000+. That went on for a long time. I am celebrating my 1st anniversary playing this game in december - and so far am still to break the 60 barrier.

    I have had a monster good round 3 times on 2 different courses  and handed in a 60 all 3 times. So dont worry. You're not the only one struggling.

    If you ever want to see what experience with the game does to anyone here, simply check out one of the profiles of those making those extremely low scores you mention. Check their "Stats" and look for how many rounds they have played. I bet you it is a lot.

    Only thing to do - is to go out and play a new round. Both when you score bad and when you score good. Nothing measures up like experience.

  • Oldbayrunner
    1,774 Posts
    Thu, Nov 15 2012 5:02 AM

    All of what everyone is saying is excellent advise. I don't play the wgt tourneys much, was too discouraged when I first started out by the scores and have spent a lot of time learning and trying to improve my game taking the knowledge others have put forth for me to learn in the forums and in playing others in rounds. I don't play enough to score in the 50's and my best 18 is still 60. One thing you have to take into consideration is that on the unlimited's some of the people spend hours replaying and restarting their tourneys if they are not scoring low enough. I believe when the 50 barrier was broke the gent spent something like 39 hours straight hours playing the tourney to do it. So judging by your average you are doing fine.

  • pjschaub
    173 Posts
    Thu, Nov 15 2012 7:56 AM

    Thank you Guys and Dolls for the good advice I have wokeup renewed in spirit and strength, I have just shot a 2 over, and today is a new day I needed to let it out and you guys just walked me though it. Thanks again and if I can help in your game or anything else let me know God Bless and Keep swinging in this great game we have here on WGT.

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