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New Super R9 and i15 clubs. Very nice, BUT...

rated by 0 users
Sat, Jun 5 2010 9:54 PM (2 replies)
  • funstuff
    35 Posts
    Sat, Jun 5 2010 8:52 AM

    Went all out and splurged. But here's the problem : while I very much like the new Super R9 and i15 in themselves, it has finally become clear to me, as my timing is often slightly off and results in mediocre shots, that the problem is the subtle difference between the meter speeds of those clubs and the wedges. So I strongly recommend to WGT that they issue high quality wedges (super Z Satin ranging from 98 yrds to 77 yrds to 50 yrds) that have the same meter speed as the new clubs in question. I will hang on to the latter in the hope that my recommendation will appear as necessary to WGT as to me. Meanwhile I will revert to the R9 and G10.

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Sat, Jun 5 2010 9:51 AM

    Don't hold your breath on that request funstuff.  There's a whole lot of clicking challenged players  like me using Rapture irons and wishing for high quality drivers and wedges that match the Rapture meter speed.  A veritable gold mine of $$ awaits IMO.

    Don't make me write to AARP about this WGT....  .obviously its age discrimination. LOL

  • wizbang360
    411 Posts
    Sat, Jun 5 2010 9:54 PM

    Don't make me write to AARP about this WGT

    Dig that !   My synapsis dont snap like they used to. Try  going from the  master rated clubs to the raptures  to the starters   I have all three in my bag !! Talk about timing issues.