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Chat with MisterWGT - Post Chat feedback

Thu, Nov 22 2012 7:39 PM (85 replies)
  • Infinito3010
    3,689 Posts
    Tue, Nov 20 2012 3:50 PM

    Overall, well done, a lot more  material can be covered in a shorter period of time.  You may want to look at how to handle questions after the initial presentation.

  • saltiresfan
    2,266 Posts
    Tue, Nov 20 2012 3:51 PM


    Clearly not everyone has the time or inclination to watch the full chat so it is singularly unhelpful to repeat ad nausuem the fact it can be viewed by signing up for a Twitch account.

    Fair enough. We want our community to sign up for Twitch, so I still suggest you do so. The chat video is not static, meaning you can skip forward or backward, viewing as much or as little of the chat as you can, time permitting.


    Stay classy,


    Ok. I will to find time after work tomorrow to look at it. 

    If anyone fancies posting some key points before then...

  • gmaster007
    2,101 Posts
    Tue, Nov 20 2012 3:55 PM

    good chat, but not a lot of exciting news IMO.

    interesting news about the % changing to color system,
    don't really know if I like that, seems to be a bit vague,
    but it might bring back a some players that have been
    staying away from mp strokeplay.

  • jaderoks
    571 Posts
    Tue, Nov 20 2012 3:59 PM


    I thought the chat was a great format. Unfortunately, a lot of questions weren't answered ( I know they were flying at him ) and Chad seemed to be surprized at some of the questions that were asked. There was questions that were in the forum and yet it was like the 1st time he heard them.

    I not knocking this in anyway, I'm just curious if Chad either reads the forums or does he get the forum questions filtered out for him.

    As for questions that can't be answered, It would be nice it there was some sort of acknowledgement to the questions that some of us do have. Even a "NO we are not looking at that" would suffice.

    All in all, it was good to see and hear the guy behind the game that we enjoy so much.


  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Tue, Nov 20 2012 4:08 PM

    If anyone fancies posting some key points before then...

    Instead of %, we getting traffic lights 75%+ green, 50-75% -50%. cerca

    Golf bags coming you can customize, country colors, cc colors head covers etc etc in future.many poss...can't mix clubs though.

    New course coming on well..out soon.

    Refined sandbagging'll have to watch that bit, can't be bothered typing it out.(much fairer though, they sound).

    Oh yeah, FREE RENTAL WEEKEND, this weekend, to follow on with the give it back/pass it on theme..Thank the


    More too,get onto it ? I found it really interesting and engaging, not just a page of words like other chats.

    Gr8 format wgt...n1 ( he seems a nice guy too)....Andy

    PS. next time Pizza we want you to do an 'Alfred Hitchcock' and saunter past in the background (:


    140 Posts
    Tue, Nov 20 2012 4:10 PM



    Clearly not everyone has the time or inclination to watch the full chat so it is singularly unhelpful to repeat ad nausuem the fact it can be viewed by signing up for a Twitch account.

    Fair enough. We want our community to sign up for Twitch, so I still suggest you do so. The chat video is not static, meaning you can skip forward or backward, viewing as much or as little of the chat as you can, time permitting.


    Stay classy,


    Ok. I will to find time after work tomorrow to look at it. 

    If anyone fancies posting some key points before then...


    The most interesting thing he said was that he was unable to confirm any other stroke play courses other than Merion at this time. That's about all you need to know.


    1,141 Posts
    Tue, Nov 20 2012 4:12 PM


    It made me feel the ... community spirit .. i guess you could call it... felt included ..not that i didn't before ... just was more personable .. 

    very informative and professional like... ( for 1st time ) .. i can see it getting better ..

    i'm always a little disappointed whenever most of the conversation ISN'T ABOUT ME . :(

    my ego will recover i guess,,,, 

    pass the pizza... :)


    ps..icon ... can speed read.. . great job too

    oh !!   and i sure hope the new %  ... (green) " TOP color " or whatever is between 80 to 100%  ..i pay'd close atten.. a friend and i .. try'd out adding a random player every evening since it began ,,, and basically  ( and just in my book )  any that were under 80%,, don't care what their % is and will only finish,, IF !!  they,,(1) dont bogey 1st hole..or remain under par the whole way... 

    this was ranked stoke play ... 






  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Tue, Nov 20 2012 4:16 PM

    And if you are a 'Mobile Client' (play wgt on ya phone),  there's something for you too (:

  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Tue, Nov 20 2012 4:17 PM

    We want our community to sign up for Twitch

    So, what is more important to WGT,  the # of customers signing up or the contents of the chat?

    Which advantage, other than having access to the wise words of the Great Leader Chairman, would such account have for me as a WGT customer?

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Tue, Nov 20 2012 4:18 PM

    Great format for the chat. Was worth tuning in (despite being at work lol), informative and nice to see some issues being addressed.

    I also nominate Andy as official minutes taker - I think WGT owes him a sleeve of balls lol.