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Chat with MisterWGT - Post Chat feedback

Thu, Nov 22 2012 7:39 PM (85 replies)
    1,141 Posts
    Tue, Nov 20 2012 6:10 PM

    just ... spitballin

    its nice to be able to ask case

    folks with a question... just type in their name and a.. ? mark...

    then let chad ..acknowledge them,,, 1 at a time.. then as he does,  they type in their question..

    just an idea,,,, 


    1,189 Posts
    Tue, Nov 20 2012 6:16 PM


    The 4 questions Chad answered were well presented. I'd rather see another half hour of questions answered like this instead of a very confusing and distracting Q & A. Take the questions directly from the appropriate thread established for that very reason, one with questions only and no discussion in the thread.


  • GlassMan27
    573 Posts
    Tue, Nov 20 2012 7:48 PM

    Overall, I really liked the new format and thought everything went pretty well. It's nice to actually 'see' some issues being addressed and questions answered. Much better than just words on a screen. The only concern I had was that many of the questions brought up by customers at the end seemed like they were brand new to Chad, even though I've seen them brought up dozens of times in these forums. I would also like to see Pizza on a webcam next time... who is this mystery man (or woman?) behind the curtain? Even the occasional Hitchcock-esque passing in the shadows, as mentioned earlier, would suffice.

  • BolloxInBruges
    1,389 Posts
    Wed, Nov 21 2012 12:01 AM

    Like the new format, thanks for putting these together.

    2,580 Posts
    Wed, Nov 21 2012 1:14 AM


    Overall, I really liked the new format and thought everything went pretty well. It's nice to actually 'see' some issues being addressed and questions answered. Much better than just words on a screen. The only concern I had was that many of the questions brought up by customers at the end seemed like they were brand new to Chad, even though I've seen them brought up dozens of times in these forums. I would also like to see Pizza on a webcam next time... who is this mystery man (or woman?) behind the curtain? Even the occasional Hitchcock-esque passing in the shadows, as mentioned earlier, would suffice.

    This is what i was getting at in my earlier post. It seems that some questions that have been asked over and over here where like news to him. Is Chad really taking notice of these questions asked here?


  • saltiresfan
    2,266 Posts
    Wed, Nov 21 2012 1:50 AM


    If anyone fancies posting some key points before then...

    Instead of %, we getting traffic lights 75%+ green, 50-75% -50%. cerca

    Golf bags coming you can customize, country colors, cc colors head covers etc etc in future.many poss...can't mix clubs though.

    New course coming on well..out soon.

    Refined sandbagging'll have to watch that bit, can't be bothered typing it out.(much fairer though, they sound).

    Oh yeah, FREE RENTAL WEEKEND, this weekend, to follow on with the give it back/pass it on theme..Thank the


    More too,get onto it ? I found it really interesting and engaging, not just a page of words like other chats.

    Gr8 format wgt...n1 ( he seems a nice guy too)....Andy

    PS. next time Pizza we want you to do an 'Alfred Hitchcock' and saunter past in the background (:



    Thanks Andy. Also thanks to Oilyrag and PUHOLINO for pointing out we don't actually need a twitch account.

  • borntobesting
    9,743 Posts
    Wed, Nov 21 2012 2:49 AM



    If anyone fancies posting some key points before then...

    Instead of %, we getting traffic lights 75%+ green, 50-75% -50%. cerca

    Golf bags coming you can customize, country colors, cc colors head covers etc etc in future.many poss...can't mix clubs though.

    New course coming on well..out soon.

    Refined sandbagging'll have to watch that bit, can't be bothered typing it out.(much fairer though, they sound).

    Oh yeah, FREE RENTAL WEEKEND, this weekend, to follow on with the give it back/pass it on theme..Thank the


    More too,get onto it ? I found it really interesting and engaging, not just a page of words like other chats.

    Gr8 format wgt...n1 ( he seems a nice guy too)....Andy

    PS. next time Pizza we want you to do an 'Alfred Hitchcock' and saunter past in the background (:



    Thanks Andy. Also thanks to Oilyrag and PUHOLINO for pointing out we don't actually need a twitch account.

    If you want to be able to participate in the chat yes you do need a Twitch account. Just to watch and not participate no you don't. But why not get one??? It's free. 

  • mnshiner
    1,382 Posts
    Wed, Nov 21 2012 3:51 AM

    I just looked up the new irons coming soon and all I can say is look out for scores being lower than they are now. By the looks of the trajectory balls will stop on a brad nail head. Of course it all depends on how WGT configures them.

  • chris5214
    1,937 Posts
    Wed, Nov 21 2012 5:20 AM


    I just looked up the new irons coming soon and all I can say is look out for scores being lower than they are now. By the looks of the trajectory balls will stop on a brad nail head. Of course it all depends on how WGT configures them.

    i think they might actually come in below the R11's since Chad said they'd be more accessible lvl wise .. unless they configure both mid- & upper lvl sets

  • Choppography
    2,166 Posts
    Wed, Nov 21 2012 5:21 AM

    I didn't get to see the chat due to work.  This year, I'm thankful for posting the link and alerting me to the fact I don't actually need an account to watch it.  I wouldn't have looked otherwise.

    So, if in the future, Pizza, you could just come in the thread after the chat and drop the hyperlink in there.........that'd be the best.  Leading horses to water will result in more of them taking a drink.


    But, how bout we unmute that vid?  I tried watching 3 times and can't get sound.  Any suggestions as to whether or not I'm the idiot here (very likely the case).