I'm haveing trouble figureing out the increment on my putter at 15 30 etc. Is there a formula to vigure out a putt at say 3 feet?
chart pointer by srellim is a good start.
A few basics:
- the basic strength to length relation is neutral for all balls and putters. Different putters will only act differently regarding deviations.
- putting is linear from 5 to 100 % (never tried below 5 %)
- Standard green is the reference, 100 % strength gives the nominal length of the putter scale there.
- putt length is determined by the six green speeds in 5% or 10% steps. Basically, slow is 90% ... Master tournament = 130%, Legend tournament = 135 %, championship = 140 %.
- green speed vary a little from course to course, hole to hole. They may vary significantly in tournaments.
- reaction to frontal and side slope varies acc. to green speeds. This is subject to practice.
There are several putting guides available.
e.g. one over there in the FAQ ==>
One in the forum, "G0LD's putting formula..."