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Thu, Nov 22 2012 7:26 PM (3 replies)
  • Fatherbrown
    282 Posts
    Thu, Nov 22 2012 10:34 AM

    I'm not at all great at playing this game, but I've had plenty of fun missing & making all sorts of shots & putts.  BUT!  I'm tried.  I'm tried of getting the help I don't need to miss a putt or miss a click because of the meter glitch.  Saved another replay which I know some way someone will say, I missed right side of the hole..Ummm, no I didn't.  Replay titled "LISTEN".   Open the hole up WGT..that will increase the ball going into the hole for not only my wacky putting but many others.  Remember my other replay titled "It's hard to wanna play when this happens", yeah, I'm the duck cause I'm still playing this game.  Tried? Yes.  Tried of the game?  No.  Tried of stupid crap that shouldn't happen happening.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Edit: This putt wasn't missed because of meter glitch. Noted*

  • Jettamax
    47 Posts
    Thu, Nov 22 2012 11:02 AM

    Hello I don't post much because I understand that running a problem of this size there are bound to be issues ... but after losing my 5th callaway this wk due to what I call the kangeroo effect I'm pissed ... not only is this costing me $$$ but also strokes that hurt my scores ... & when the whole screen start's jumping that's a *** on the eyes as well ... now I know this isn't near the crash of July 2012 but I feel that for all the $$$ that us golfers fork out to WGT that we could at least have a smoother meter & screen .... lets face it WGT you've been operating for a long time now ... don't you think its time to earn those $$$ and make the necessary corrections & fix those bugs that allows for a smoother more enjoyable experience for all the members that pay to play so that you people at WGT can get your pay!!!! Also I have a few ?'s I have always wondered about A) how come when I putt a ball downhill & I go passed the hole its still a downhill putt?  B) how come when I have a shot that is downhill  I still have to use more club? C) how come it never rains in the WGT world? D) how come after all these yrs that WGT has be operating they still don't have the practice area's that Tiger Woods have? I'm sure that can't be that hard to do ...E) and finally why don't the pins get moved to a lot more locations more frequently?

    Thanks for your time & I hope that you'll do the right thing & fix these issues .....


  • Swaded
    37 Posts
    Thu, Nov 22 2012 2:13 PM


     A) how come when I putt a ball downhill & I go passed the hole its still a downhill putt?

     B) how come when I have a shot that is downhill  I still have to use more club?

    C) how come it never rains in the WGT world?

    D) how come after all these yrs that WGT has be operating they still don't have the practice area's that Tiger Woods have? I'm sure that can't be that hard to do ...

    E) and finally why don't the pins get moved to a lot more locations more frequently?

    A) Never had this happen that I know of.

    B) Some holes play longer than stated, I don't remember having to use more club on a downhill approach.

    C) Pointless TBH.

    D) Search "putting greens" and/or "driving range" in the search box.

    E) Several pin positions on several courses...

    As for the meter, 99% of the time my meter runs smoothly. It's probably skipping from a problem on your end.

    To the OP, i've also missed putts with no explanation. I tried to tell people, got laughed at though lol.

  • hpurey
    11,521 Posts
    Thu, Nov 22 2012 7:26 PM

    A) how come when I putt a ball downhill & I go passed the hole its still a downhill putt?


    This is my guess....


    A putt that starts off downhill but passed the hole goes uphill.....then the return putt would be downhill again.  I've seen this a few times here and plenty of times in real life. 


    I always read the putt beyond the cup and to the sides to see what the green is like around the cup.