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Nice game but it s become to be boring do you know why ?

Sun, Dec 30 2012 1:48 PM (21 replies)
  • Quijotazo
    648 Posts
    Mon, Nov 26 2012 10:36 PM

    My solution is  you need to add a new setting when we create a game, i want to be able to choose a limit of level (not tiers) who can join my game.   In this case i can play with players who got same equipments like me, and the game can be just.
    Because at this time i play vs players who got same tiers but they are lvl 80/90
    Very good point!!
    Agreed 1000%

    I agree with this if we see the "mental sport competitive" part of this game.  But from a "monetary point of view" each player invests what they can and want.  I sometimes play Blitzes just for fun, using only my Starter Gear and Ball and I have to confess that I have lots of fun and even get beaten by lower tiers with better gear.  But I wouldn't get into a RGT with starters since it's my $, the same way we will never see any Pros getting into PGA Tour with Factory Commercial  $400 Sets and some old wore out balls.  So, I like the idea for FREE OF CREDITS games, specially Blitzes, but I can't see people betting to their lowest gear.  Great post.  Thank you !

  • Games4Ever71
    623 Posts
    Sat, Dec 29 2012 9:30 PM

    Its obvious how he became legend so fast. He plays MP more than anything, and since they change the way MP to move tier up so much faster about the same time he joined. 

    I don't play match play that much. Maybe I will be legend in no time if I did that. As for this game being boring. I don't see it. I think its addictive more than boring. Best thing I found since I started as a member.

  • bubbadork
    984 Posts
    Sat, Dec 29 2012 11:31 PM

    If something bores you, move on to something else. Boredom is a sign of a lack of intellectual capacity and imagination.

  • Phlos
    48 Posts
    Sun, Dec 30 2012 1:34 AM

    Just tell you again because you cant understand that...
    If i play a lot of chalenge game it s not for tiers up very fast at all!
    I play a lot that is true, i don t want to play with free ball then i use a lot of ball if i don t want waste my credit to buy it, i m forced to play challenge mod and trying to earn credit
    That is the only reason why i m playing challenge mod a lot ^^

  • tdriver60
    6 Posts
    Sun, Dec 30 2012 8:29 AM

    bubbadork, best def. of boredom I've ever red. Holds true for most anything we do.

    again very well put!!

    have a great new year


  • Braidan1218
    101 Posts
    Sun, Dec 30 2012 12:25 PM


    when you create a group you just can choose wich tiers can join your game, i don t want that because peopples who play challenge mod and got the same tiers as me are lvl 80/90+ and about them equipment they got to much advantage on me, that is the problem.
    So i think i would be better if we can choose a limit on lvl (not tiers) when we create a group. In this this way i m sure a lot of more players with same equipment like me will play this mod.
    Because at this time only players with best equipment play this mod and it s unfair for players lvl -80

    I agree, I am a pro, but joining an as game with other pros l80+ won't happen and I fear that my avg score of 80 scares most away.

    Forget about tournaments where the winners are 50-60 lol.

    I am chugging away and anxiously awaiting l48 for the raptures, but it would be fun if I could eventually play an as game.  I don't mind playing with better players but maybe they don't want to play with players who aren't in their range.

    So this seems like a request I was actually coming here to make if we can select games by level as well as tiers.  Seems odd to have pros at level 30ish and as high as 90, seems the should be masters or whatever it is by that level.

  • devonnnnn
    1,085 Posts
    Sun, Dec 30 2012 12:56 PM

    if your only here a month and your bored already, go look at some of us older people here. I've been playing on and off for almost 3 years and I'm hell as not bored yet. Join a good country club and then you wont be so bored. Also go look around the forums to see if people are making community tournaments. There will always be things to play in WGT. 

  • Mesmorizer
    614 Posts
    Sun, Dec 30 2012 1:26 PM



    My solution is  you need to add a new setting when we create a game, i want to be able to choose a limit of level (not tiers) who can join my game.   In this case i can play with players who got same equipments like me, and the game can be just.
    Because at this time i play vs players who got same tiers but they are lvl 80/90

    Very good point!!

    Agreed 1000%


    I totaly disagree with the TS and even these two players that I have always agreed with a 1st for me.

    The system you are suggesting would actually encourge more sandbaggers and multi accounters. Think about it you put thouse functions in the game and more people could take advantage.

    Take Preistess and Legend for example, they would never do this but to illustrate a point, if they choose to set up another account and start from scratch with the TS system these players with same equips would destroy you in most cases, Why? the expereince in game would give them a great edge.

    Thats what baggers and people that are in the middle of the playing field do, this would isolate games, and make more mulit-accounters then we have now.

    Best solution, only play for credits if you can afford to lose them. Play the best you can as its not supposed to be a means of making the game free unless for some reason you think your that good lol?

    That how i see it for what it worth,
