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color code percentages

Mon, Nov 26 2012 9:13 PM (14 replies)
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  • tdexpress
    76 Posts
    Sat, Nov 24 2012 6:04 PM

    It is all the same to me. But maybe for the folks who work their butts off to keep a hundred percent they get a star next to their color coded box just for kudos maybe and so people know the 100 percenters. It might make people a little leery of quitting if they knew they were going to lose that star. Me for one have had difficulty hanging in some games (bad scores or time of night or unexpected visitors)  it would give me more incentive to finish it out. think about it if you are 100 percent color coded you quit one game who cares except the people you quit on? You will only move to 97% same color code. But if you lose your star you have lost your bragging rights. It is probably silly just a thought.

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Sat, Nov 24 2012 6:33 PM


    It is all the same to me. But maybe for the folks who work their butts off to keep a hundred percent they get a star next to their color coded box just for kudos maybe and so people know the 100 percenters. It might make people a little leery of quitting if they knew they were going to lose that star. Me for one have had difficulty hanging in some games (bad scores or time of night or unexpected visitors)  it would give me more incentive to finish it out. think about it if you are 100 percent color coded you quit one game who cares except the people you quit on? You will only move to 97% same color code. But if you lose your star you have lost your bragging rights. It is probably silly just a thought.


    it's an interesting notion but I think underlying idea is to show users who finish games on a regular basis. having a star would be good until you lose for not disconnecting.. we know that internet games are inherently not as reliable. while benefits outweigh the negatives by a wide margins, the disconnections are a natural part of the internet, so having the star would likely become more problematic in the long run.


    5,835 Posts
    Sat, Nov 24 2012 9:45 PM

    so having the star would likely become more problematic in the long run.


    Good answer, i'd go along with this.

  • tdexpress
    76 Posts
    Sun, Nov 25 2012 1:51 PM

    Thanks for the response.  like I said it was just a thought. I did have one other idea though. How about making it possible to look at an opponents percntage bar "before" the actual invite? As it stands now I don't see any % until a player joins a game. Perhaps post it their profiles?

  • LittleAttila
    30 Posts
    Mon, Nov 26 2012 11:51 AM

    Are you guys talking about that number that you get in the start screen before playing head to head?

    The problem with that number is that maybe it should only be applied to ranked games. I play practice rounds with my friend for fun and sometimes we have to end games before finishing the full 9 or 18 (for whatever reason, including lag) and then that percentage just drops. I never paid much attention to it before. I know 3-rounders would be good instead, but sometimes we want longer, despite having to end early. So does that number basically mean that we look like "quitters" to the community? Does that percentage go back up in time?

    1,141 Posts
    Mon, Nov 26 2012 2:18 PM

    TD  ..  is exactly right though...

    it fascinate's me that tons of ppl .. cry'd and cry'd to get the percentage thing... we got it... 

    then .. what amounts to a hand full in the forums didn't like it... .. but what was not seen is the tons of ppl that DID like it ... and it was working GREAT !! .. except for the ALT shot deal.. which is all that needed adjusting... 

    NOW .. and this is just a guess... but i'm going to make my prediction... THE color of say the TOP% will be set too low for one thing ..... so even if u are one that normally carry'd 97 to 100% u will have to go back to suffering thru 70%'rs who basically are quitter's... 

    and on top of that ...we will have the SAME cry'n ..or complaining blogs... that the color deal is RIGGED .. from the ones with sad computer connections or performance.. 

    SO .. basically... the high and good finisher's are the ones getting.... ummm well .. (screw'd) << best word i could think of ... with the new color code implication..

    oh well... 



  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Mon, Nov 26 2012 2:34 PM

    Color code or numbers, what's the difference. I left one game due to computer issues, my pcnt. went to 93%. Was at 100 until that. 

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Mon, Nov 26 2012 4:23 PM

    LOL, I can see the posts now.....

    My completion % lights are flashing!  What does that mean?

  • Choppography
    2,166 Posts
    Mon, Nov 26 2012 4:57 PM

    When do they even go into effect?  I have yet to notice colors.  Not that it makes a difference.  I have a certain number I look for, or I boot you.  Never a complicated system.

  • opyeuclid
    6,710 Posts
    Mon, Nov 26 2012 5:03 PM

    My completion % lights are flashing!  What does that mean?

    Thats easy  ,, Your left turn blinker has been on for the last 6 holes .

    OPY  iaaRft

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