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Promo Suggestions For WGT

Tue, Nov 27 2012 6:13 PM (23 replies)
  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Sat, Nov 24 2012 6:06 PM

    How about buy 1 sleeve of balls get another sleeve free? too much?

    Then how about buy 2 sleeves and get a 3rd sleeve free ? that's a nice incentive.

    Spend $10 and get 1 free ball.......What happened lol.

    Sure WGT don't have to give us anything for free. I don't expect anything for free. I've never traveled down the earn free credits route. I've always paid cash the 2 yrs I've been here and like WGT, I won't disclose the actual figure...but it's a fair sum :)

    What would be nice are better incentives once in a while......just like real life golf stores do with their seasonal sales offers.

    Real life goods have real life manufacturing costs...WGT has if stores like American Golf can do it, how come WGT seems bereft of similar incentives? I appreciate this is a virtual game BUT you are charging real life prices for the premium pixelated virtual balls.

    Here's decent sites to grab a few ideas from.

    Better deals will see sales increase.

    Stack them high.......sell them cheap. Tried & tested's very successful

  • Buggyyy
    1,963 Posts
    Sat, Nov 24 2012 6:24 PM

    I damn sure would purchase more balls with deals like this.

  • Buggyyy
    1,963 Posts
    Sat, Nov 24 2012 6:24 PM

    I damn sure would purchase more balls with deals like this.

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Sat, Nov 24 2012 6:26 PM


    I damn sure would purchase more balls with deals like this.

    the vast majority of players who play daily & for many hours per day would too mate.


  • truly2bad2play
    104 Posts
    Sat, Nov 24 2012 7:27 PM

    That is an excellent idea...personally I spend at least 1 hour +  everyday watching videos and looking for ways to make a few credits..If offers like buy 2 get 1 free or similar existed,I would spend the money and give myself an extra hour of playing time each day..and I am very attached to my pennies..So if I would spend,I am sure very many players would do the same.

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Sat, Nov 24 2012 8:13 PM

    Good Idea Tbe...... 

    The 1 Ball Promotion to me was not very good at all, saying it lightly.

    There has been some people saying the $10 for one ball is good, compared to previous Promotions... $25-$30 and get a pack...  That does not compute for me...sorry.

    Should have been 1 Pack as always regardless of how many credits you get.


  • notonthis
    893 Posts
    Sat, Nov 24 2012 8:23 PM

    I hope wgtpizza does not read this one lol.

    5,835 Posts
    Sat, Nov 24 2012 9:57 PM


    How about buy 1 sleeve of balls get another sleeve free? too much?

    Then how about buy 2 sleeves and get a 3rd sleeve free ? that's a nice incentive.

    Spend $10 for $10 credits

    Spend $20 for $22 credits

    Spend $50 for $60 Credits.

    Get a free WGT Golf cap posted anywhere in the world for a deposit of $50



  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Sun, Nov 25 2012 5:51 AM


    Spend $10 for $10 credits

    Spend $20 for $22 credits

    Spend $50 for $60 Credits.

    Get a free WGT Golf cap posted anywhere in the world for a deposit of $50

    these are good incentives also.

    if WGT offers more.....people will spend more. it's a fact that if people see they are getting a better deal or getting a bigger bang for their buck......they will spend more.

    wgt should try running offers on a spend more get more basis.

    i'm not here to slam wgt in any way at all......i just think customers spending their hard earned cash should at least be able to sniff out better deals especially if they're more frequent spenders or buy in bulk.

    393 Posts
    Sun, Nov 25 2012 6:53 AM

    I agree 100%..........