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To long to play a hole

rated by 0 users
Sun, Nov 25 2012 11:23 AM (1 replies)
  • vallee2004
    64 Posts
    Sun, Nov 25 2012 6:16 AM

    Ysterday i was playing with 3 other players. The game was going so bad it took us up to 20 minutes to play a hole due to disconnect problems. Every time the 4 players were comming back but it got to a point that after more than an hour to play only 3 holes i decide to quit on a disconnect on the 4th one because after 15 min, only 1 player had finaly played his shot. I fee sorry for me and the other ones because every one was having a good game.

    Not only we were disconnect but sometime we had to wait until the screen came to ready to play for a minute or two with making it even more frustrating.

    If someone hae any set up or configuration sugestion please pos it somewhere.

    By the way the loop off does'nt seam to solve any of this since every one had it off and still we had the poblem.

    Thanks for taking care of this.

    PS: Typing a message here is a hard job to since we have to retype a letter  at every two or three words because you would'nt be able to read it.     

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Sun, Nov 25 2012 11:23 AM


    Ysterday i was playing with 3 other players. The game was going so bad it took us up to 20 minutes to play a hole due to disconnect problems. Every time the 4 players were comming back but it got to a point that after more than an hour to play only 3 holes i decide to quit on a disconnect on the 4th one because after 15 min, only 1 player had finaly played his shot. I fee sorry for me and the other ones because every one was having a good game.

    Not only we were disconnect but sometime we had to wait until the screen came to ready to play for a minute or two with making it even more frustrating.

    If someone hae any set up or configuration sugestion please pos it somewhere.

    By the way the loop off does'nt seam to solve any of this since every one had it off and still we had the poblem.

    Thanks for taking care of this.

    PS: Typing a message here is a hard job to since we have to retype a letter  at every two or three words because you would'nt be able to read it.     


    I am not sure if it's server related per say but maybe you guys got some kinda slow/crash during initial load which caused this. I have not experienced such and generally have no issues typing unless flash crashed. Then, restarting browser would help most of the time.
