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Weekly Proshop Offers

Mon, Nov 26 2012 3:16 AM (0 replies)
  • Fraenkel
    2,252 Posts
    Mon, Nov 26 2012 3:16 AM

    Hello ladies and gentlemen.

    After this week and as many people wrote their negative think, I'm asking you if could be and idea prepare a weekly proshop offers, permanent. Offers on WGT are not bad but give to the customers an alternative proposal can be an attractive idea.

    Buy credits with money to get the same sleeve of balls, locked or no make no difference, should be taken as ripetitive. Why do not create a Proshop discount where items go sell to a 10%, 20%, even 30% discounts for a limited time like a week. Driver, Irons, Club Set, Balls and Avatar.

    Money must be invested when it's time to spend, reserve real money only when the dealer make his offer should not be a real investment but only a little time to get founds. I think that WGT don't need money but only happy customers that buy credits to improve his game even if World Golf Tour is a free online game.
