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GREAT way to practice!! Historic Pebble Beach

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Mon, Jun 7 2010 3:08 PM (1 replies)
  • BuffaloVal
    1 Posts
    Mon, Jun 7 2010 2:40 PM
    I have found that on the USGA historic shots at PB it makes for great practice for a beginner like me. You can replay the same shot over and over and over. You can switch clubs and see the differences. There are a variety of shots and you can learn the differences between pitching and chipping and flopping! Thanks WGT and USGA and I hope you will keep this around for awhile. Buffalo Val
  • TarheelsRule
    5,581 Posts
    Mon, Jun 7 2010 3:08 PM

    It is actually a lot of fun to play those shots and try to beat the pro who hit the shot.  Since you can only use beginner clubs, it takes some of the practice out of the hands of those of us who use other clubs.  Still fun though.