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WGT black friday and cyber monday promotions....

rated by 0 users
Mon, Nov 26 2012 3:53 PM (9 replies)
  • TurkishTerror
    2,177 Posts
    Mon, Nov 26 2012 6:55 AM

    are a joke...........  6 months ago you could get a pack of Nikes with a $20 deposit.   Here is an idea WGT, .......Me love you long time :)


    **edited for content**

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Mon, Nov 26 2012 7:35 AM

    If they seriously want folks to part with $$$....then they really are going to have to rethink their sales strategy.

    Deposit $10 get 1 free ball............Deposit $30 get a sleeve.

    Poorly thought out and as enticing as a smack in the wedding tackle with a 7lb sledgehammer.

    WGT don't have to give us anything for free.....and don't we know it lol....I think getting blood from a stone would be a far easier accomplishment.

    The free rental weekend was cool....even though I had no need to rent anything but these ball promos (if we can call them promos considering 6 months ago a $20 deposit got you a sleeve of Calls / Nikes.....whichever they were)'s only my opinion but I think WGT could do better.

    These *cough*splutter* promos look pretty lame in my opinion considering we have members giving away clubs and balls to other members who only need to be 1st to reply in a thread...I thought WGT could have at least took a lead from this gesture of goodwill by other players....alas no.

    I don't know who in WGT is the tightwad but I recommend they throw away that Dummies Guide To Sales & Marketing 1998 and buy a more recent up to date edition.

    As always though.....I understand it's their business and how they run it is their concern....and to be honest I could care less these days..I've my own businesses to run.


  • Fuzzygazz
    1,469 Posts
    Mon, Nov 26 2012 8:13 AM

    At least let me pick my one ball.  (free rental weekend was cool)  but 1 ball? really.

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Mon, Nov 26 2012 8:39 AM

    At least let me pick my one ball.

    That's true....might be 6 months before another Max ball offer (or maybe never ? (:} .....Andy

  • duffer19
    3,670 Posts
    Mon, Nov 26 2012 9:49 AM

    the vapor is pretty sweet though :)

  • phiber
    2,795 Posts
    Mon, Nov 26 2012 10:15 AM

    It would be nice if WGT would do some studies on what the big box boys do for "Black Friday" and it is even impacting what many Mom and pop stores are doing too.  Those guys offer some incredible deals for Black Friday and it really drives their business in other areas as well.  I saw 32" TV's offered for less than 30% of their regular retail selling price for Black Friday, Laptop computers offered for less than half, Ipods, and the list could go on and on and the buyer would walk away with not only the items that they went in there to buy that were on the sale list but with many many other things as well.

    It's nice that WGT offered at least something for Black Friday and Cyber Monday, however meek it may have been.  I chose not to take advantage of their offers because they just didn't appear to me to be enticing enough to make me want to spend $$$ on them.  Now, had they offered something really cool, like, buy $50 in credits and get a dozen balls of your choice, I would have stocked up on credits in a hear beat and they wouldn't have lost a thing since it is all virtual, and who knows, they may have really impacted their bottom line by doing something like that.

  • dacrash
    476 Posts
    Mon, Nov 26 2012 11:28 AM

     It is amazing that after all the negative comments in the forum about how lame the buy $10 of credits and get 1, one, numero uno ball tossed in was.   Then on Cyber Monday all they did was multiply by 3.  WGT LISTEN to what your CUSTOMERS want!

    Golf balls cost more than a lot of clubs on this site, not very realistic compared to real life.  Wish I could by a wedge for less than a SLEEVE of make believe balls.

    I was looking forward to some bargains on some new clubs, but all we got was the shaft.  Weak, weak, weak...  Guess I'll save my credits for balls or in case WGT pulls it's head out it's cup and actually offers something that the CUSTOMERS want.

    WGT put your weak a.. promotions up your cup.

    More than disappointed...


  • PeterHopper
    1,315 Posts
    Mon, Nov 26 2012 1:23 PM
    $30 to get some Nikes that I don't play with. No thanks. I'm a taker at $20, preferably with Calls on offer. I have to get some credits very soon. But prefer to spend $20 and receive nothing than stretch to $30 just because WGT is being greedy.
  • rjs1969
    196 Posts
    Mon, Nov 26 2012 3:00 PM


    Another big sale! Buy $30 or more WGT Credits and get 3 free Nike 20XI-X (L75=) virtual golf balls....
     Nice gesture WGT.  It is decent of you to offer this promotion. I hope it was profitable. That is why you run a business. To make  PROFIT.
    However, it is not a traditional sale. It is a promotional gimmick at best.
    sale (seil)
    1.the exchange of goods, property, or services for an agreed sum of money or credit
    WGT met this requirement & gave away a sleeve of balls. 
    2. the amount sold
    3.the opportunity to sell; market.
    4. the rate of selling or being sold.
    i myself and seemingly many others in  the wgt "community" consider 5. to be a traditional sale.    Not what you at WGT passed off as a "SALE" on friday and yet again today. Cyber Monday.
    Your efforts, to take advantage of Black Friday & Cyber Monday. I hope were profitable. HOWEVER. Please refrain from BULL$HITTING "community" members with words like "sale" until its actually ONE . 
    Giving away a free gift with a normal purchase is a "perk." All it really says, is thanks for doing business today!  IN MY OPINION,  IT IS NOT A SALE.
    have a nice day......rj


  • bubbadork
    984 Posts
    Mon, Nov 26 2012 3:53 PM

    I have problems with WGT not attacking known technical issues. I have problems with WGT implicitly tolerating cheaters. I have absolutely no problems with WGT trying to make money off of products, as virtual and ethereal as those products may be. Just sayin'.