MBaggese:I voted, but...I'd actually prefer evenings (PST and that would coincide with maybe better times for non-US members?
Hm, let's see... 8 pm PST is 5 am in Central Europe and 4 am in the UK, so...
Would work for Australia though.
I think somewhere around 3 pm PST could work, it's midnight CET, 11 pm UK and at least the east side of Australia is up'n about by then. Although, if they're like me, they don't feel very chatty in the morning. As for me, any day and any time up to a 6 pm PST start is good, I'm usually up until 4 am anyway.
But in reality, I think we're all grateful for the time Mr. Nelson is taking out of his schedule to talk to us, so whenever and at whatever time he'll decide to do it, will be fine. If some won't be able to participate they'll still be able to watch the replay, especially since the open Q&A session will probably be minimized.