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Just a thought.....

rated by 0 users
Wed, Nov 28 2012 7:57 PM (2 replies)
  • cdnbacon
    6 Posts
    Wed, Nov 28 2012 6:27 PM

    I thought about this during "free club rental" weekend.

    On any regulation course I have ever played; there is a driving range, a practise green and a practise sandshot/chipping green.

    For those players thinking about buying a wood, a club(s) or new balls; this would be a great format to "test" the equipment before purchase and avoid making all those excuses to others because you couldn't adjust to the new item!!

    Of course a NOMINAL rental fee could be applied, and a time limit for usage.

    I know I would use it, as I have often regretted a purchase that, in the end, just didn't work for me.

    I do believe it would be a welcomed addition by the members and make the site more "user-friendly"

    Just a thought. 

  • xXxjasonxXx
    688 Posts
    Wed, Nov 28 2012 6:56 PM

    I believe that one free rental a month on a weekend would be the best thing they could do, that way all new players that are moving up in levels an tier's have a chance to get a feel for what clubs they would like to buy.... has u can see in other posts that there are a lot of people that are very thankfull for the last free rental wgt had an it got more sells for wgt..

  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Wed, Nov 28 2012 7:57 PM

    Yes a free rental once every month would be nice. But the practice area is a no go. Players have been after W.G.T. for a practice area longer than I have been here , and it still has not happened. W.G.T. , feels that the games practice setting is enough for the players to use if they want to practice. I did suggest a practice setting for the C.T.T.H. courses .The same settings as used in the regular game settings, where we could change the conditions that we play under. I also suggested free play for Nation members on both Whistler and Cabo, but that has not happened either. But you are definitely on to something with the monthly free rental. Happy Swinging