Think someones nicked my new balls bought on 6th,they've gone after a day and a half!!!
Nice work BillyBonkers! You played nine rounds, hit 472 ball-wearing shots, and about 200 putts. I'm assuming you didn't lose any of your 3 GI-SD's. I'd say you're running ahead of average on ball consumption. Congrats!
Sheesh, DMM, give billy a break. LOL, he's only been here a month and probably doesn't know there's a wear factor. At least tell him they have a life expectancy of 2-3 games. :-D
@ Billy--This will help explain it.
Good point, YJ. I kinda assumed because he's played so many rounds he knew. But I suppose he might have been using the starter balls up until June 6th.
Even I didn't read all the fine print when I took out a mortgage on my home.
Here's hoping my home doesn't wear out soon only to be replaced by a starter house!
Doublemochaman: You played nine rounds, hit 472 ball-wearing shots, and about 200 putts.
Doublemochaman:Here's hoping my home doesn't wear out soon only to be replaced by a starter house!
But I heard that putts of over 100 feet at St. Andrews wear out from the sheer compression of the ball. J/K
Doublemochaman: Here's hoping my home doesn't wear out soon only to be replaced by a starter house!
LMAO-Haven't you noticed the curb in front turning red little by little?
Think I'm going to have to start looking for lost balls when I stray into the rough,has anyone seen lads selling seconds at any course?