First 4 people to respond get this fantastic item from our pro shop. No questions asked!
Each winner will get 100 hits! GL, hope ya win!
sweet, i went on the cheep first time out. this'll be funny
Thanks man, and thanks for the 4 ball erlier!!
LC - first let me be clear - I don't want the speed boost! I just wanted to say that what you are doing is great for the community.
ps - you may not get to many responses to this thread...
wow, am i actually first?
Spammage: LC - first let me be clear - I don't want the speed boost! I just wanted to say that what you are doing is great for the community. ps - you may not get to many responses to this thread...
Thank you Spammage!
I have high hopes that this thread will bring some happiness to someone :)
Ciao, Rich
duffer19: sweet, i went on the cheep first time out. this'll be funny Thanks man, and thanks for the 4 ball erlier!! Duff
That was fun Duff, for sure you will have fun with
Duffer, congrats!
Am I in time LC?
SilentOmegaWolf: Am I in time LC?
Fer sure!
Congrats OmegaWolf!
TYVM LC...always wanted to see what these are like