Thanks for your input Jim,
I definitely foresee that lol.. I am already using the spin callies, and the G20 lvl 59 irons(high),have the Hybrid(high& used for c.t.t.h) too and Driver,but driver only med/high,(K15's for Blitz).
My next buys are the Clevelands,Pings have been good up to now,(better than the lower level Cleve's imo,I play the 3 wedges) Driver for me the lvl 81 G20(high)..and maybe finally the R11irons,maybe the Driver too,..but I worry there may be the need for the slow meter balls then,and I really like the ones I use.
I've had some nice aces with backspin,..#1 @ St.A's (148yds),about 10 days ago is one of my favourite aces so far.
(btw, I need to find out how to save more replays,have started to delete B.O.P aces to make way for longer ones)
I guess,ultimately, I am looking for a way of fighting off the inevitable with the R11/Slow meter Callies or Max balls way...It seems there is no other option.
I am an avid follower/user of the great advice you guys give on the forums and have been since I started.
I am hoping I have missed something,and maybe can stay with the G20s Driver & Irons/RBZs 3WD/GhostSpider & Cally Tour i (s) balls
Could I survive from the tips with the gear i have grown comfortable with I suppose is my real question.