WGTpizza:it just exasperating.
Amen to that.,
We have posed multiple questions in these forums over multiple years the sames ones ad-nauseam..
In the previous MisterWGT Chat, he heard a few of those as his chat window went scrolling past at light speed, everyone posing these same old questions.
His response?
"these are all great ideas, put them in the forums, we appreciate your feedback, make sure you put them in the forums so we can see them folks" at another point "we especially want to hear from country club owners and what thoughts they have"
From this I was about to open a Country Club Owners thread and prompt for their suggestions for Chads specific request.
And now to add to this exasperation.
You ask us to pose a question about an existing feature, but yet want us to keep it ambigious to the extent of
"I love the 'existing feature" are there any plans to improve this?
WGTpizza: "Hi MisterWGT, I HATE uneven lies. What changes, if any, are planned for this feature?"
Not allowing us to pose the specific improvements we are so urgently requesting makes these 10 questions about as useless as the 4 you posed in the previous chat session.
We really dont want MisterWGT to have another Q& A session in 12 months time and hears the same old beaten up questions. For him to reply yet again with "these are all great ideas, put them in the forums"
I prpose that WE the community format either this chat with Chad, or the next, allow us to submit a platform and agenda in which he can refine, and will allow us the opportunity you are waving in our face like a carrot in font of a donkey.
YOU KNOW, what I want Pizza, format my question for me puhlease.
You havened offered me feed back to my previous re-structure of my question either.
I am at a loss how to pose this.
Let me try "The Country Club options for owners and players are in need of improvement, is there anything on the road map toward improving these options?"