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Private Chat with MisterWGT!

rated by 0 users
Fri, Dec 7 2012 10:16 AM (75 replies)
  • WGTpizza
    1,656 Posts
    Thu, Dec 6 2012 1:45 PM


    Trying to decide who to bestow this privilege on by forcing questions that are already painfully obvious as qualifiers just seems to me to be an exercise in frustration.

    I'm not trying to be difficult, it just exasperating.

    Sure, YJ, I understand your points, but try looking at it from a different angle:

    1) MisterWGT wants to know how the players feel about existing products/features

    2) WGTpizza makes a thread to compile these thoughts

    3) WGTpizza will pick 10 contributions to join Chad in a Google Hangout to further discuss the point they made in the aforementioned thread.

    I don't understand your aversion to this plan, but I understand the sentiment you expressed. You want MisterWGT to know more about how the community feels.

    So do I, and so does he, so here we go - Let's hear that feedback :)


    Stay classy,


  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Thu, Dec 6 2012 1:58 PM

    I've a question... surprised no one has brought it up.


    Since recently you (WGTPizza) confirmed that VEM is active in the game...


    Is VEM applied to each RG player in the same tourney, or is is random?


    I/e will RG XXXXXX play harder for all, or just a select few indviduals (not "selected"), or???


    I guess what I'm asking is how/when is VEM applied...i/e after "x" shots, etc...


    Or is that proprietary information?


    I'm not asking to stop it (VEM), shut it off, tone it down, etc...just want an understanding when it is, or targeted to be in use...or again, is it one of those "on any given day" things?

  • WGTpizza
    1,656 Posts
    Thu, Dec 6 2012 2:00 PM

    VEM is not "an existing product or feature of WGT", and it has been discussed, at length, as little as 2 months ago.

    Please use the forum search bar for more information on this topic.

    From this point out, this thread will stay on topic or posts will be moderated. Thank you.


    Stay classy,


    5,835 Posts
    Thu, Dec 6 2012 2:08 PM

    it just exasperating.

    Amen to that.,

    We have posed multiple questions in these forums over multiple years the sames ones ad-nauseam..

    In the previous MisterWGT Chat, he heard a few of those as his chat window went scrolling past at light speed, everyone posing these same old questions.

    His response?

    "these are all great ideas, put them in the forums, we appreciate your feedback, make sure you put them in the forums so we can see them folks" at another point "we especially want to hear from country club owners and what thoughts they have"

    From this I was about to open a Country Club Owners thread and prompt for their suggestions for Chads specific request.


    And now to add to this exasperation.

    You ask us to pose a question about an existing feature, but yet want us to keep it ambigious to the extent of

    "I love the 'existing feature" are there any plans to improve this?


    "Hi MisterWGT, I HATE uneven lies. What changes, if any, are planned for this feature?"

    Not allowing us to pose the specific improvements we are so urgently requesting makes these 10 questions about as useless as the 4 you posed in the previous chat session.

    We really dont want MisterWGT to have another Q& A session in 12 months time and hears the same old beaten up questions. For him to reply yet again with "these are all great ideas, put them in the forums"

    I prpose that WE the community format either this chat with Chad, or the next, allow us to submit a platform and agenda in which he can refine, and will allow us the opportunity you are waving in our face like a carrot in font of a donkey.


    YOU KNOW, what I want Pizza, format my question for me puhlease.
    You havened offered me feed back to my previous re-structure of my question either.

    I am at a loss how to pose this.

    Let me try "The Country Club options for owners and players are  in need of improvement, is there anything on the road map toward improving these options?"




  • WGTpizza
    1,656 Posts
    Thu, Dec 6 2012 2:14 PM

    I am at a loss

    Yea, that makes two of us... I'm having trouble explaining this any further.


    There are products and features that already exist within WGT.

    The community has opinions/questions about these

    The community now has a chance to have their opinions/questions heard directly by MisterWGT.


    This seems very straight-forward to me. Shrude, your question is not about an existing product or feature. Try thinking or an existing product or feature, think if you have a question/comment about it's functionality or it's future, then post that question/comment.

    Think of a feature that you are not happy about (this might be difficult) and instead of coming to the thread with your idea on how WGT should do business, come to this thread with your opinion/thoughts on the feature, for example: "I don't like the the game percentage feature, it makes me feel like _____". "I like the Uneven Lies feature, I think WGT has perfected this feature and no further changes are required".


    Stay classy,


    1,189 Posts
    Thu, Dec 6 2012 2:23 PM

    He wants to hear, directly from the players, how they feel about current features/products - Do you want them changed?


    Only a slight issue with this.

    Player: I don't like the current format of CC tourneys. (an existing feature)

    MrWGT: Do you want them changed?

    Player: Yes.

    MrWGT: In what way?

    Player: I can't tell you, cause I'd have to make a suggestion (Mods told me that making CC tourneys tier based is something I'm not allowed to ask you, Sir).


    Not trying to rock the boat, but reallly...

    5,835 Posts
    Thu, Dec 6 2012 2:34 PM

    Think of a feature that you are not happy about

    the EXISTING FEATURE of - Options in the Country Club

    come to this thread with your opinion/thoughts on the feature,

    My opinions and thoughts on this feature are; there need to be more options.

    for example: "I don't like the the game percentage feature, it makes me feel like _____". "I like the Uneven Lies feature, I think WGT has perfected this feature and no further changes are required".

    ok, lets give this a whirl......

    "I don't like the limited options in the Country Club it prevents Club owners from running things smoothly - are there any improvements on the road map for this  feature?"

    "I like the way we are able to equip clubs and balls - this is perfect and no improvements are needed "



    Shine on .... .  .   .

  • WGTpizza
    1,656 Posts
    Thu, Dec 6 2012 2:34 PM


    MrWGT: Do you want them changed?

    Player: Yes.

    MrWGT: In what way?

    Player: I can't tell you, cause I'd have to make a suggestion (Mods told me that making CC tourneys tier based is something I'm not allowed to ask you, Sir).

    Not trying to rock the boat, but reallly..

    I am not making the connection between your post and "rocking the boat". Honestly, this is how I see the conversation going, of course without the facetious ending.

    1) You post your opinion/thought on a subject in this thread.

    2) I pick 10 of those opinions/thoughts

    3) Those 10 people will discuss with MisterWGT, at length, face to face, the opinion/thought they shared.

    The "suggestions" have no place in this thread. You may end up talking about suggestions during the chat, but that's left to be seen. The opinions/thoughts on existing features/products are what we want to see in this thread.


    Stay classy,


  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, Dec 6 2012 2:36 PM

    That wasn't Pizza's description, Shrude , it was mine although I imagine Pizza's getting there ,too. LOL


    I am at a loss

    Yea, that makes two of us... I'm having trouble explaining this any further.

    He was at a loss as to how to phrase his question, not at the confusion. I think your explanation above was fine, it is what it is.

    I don't have an aversion to this, not sure where you got that impression.

  • WGTpizza
    1,656 Posts
    Thu, Dec 6 2012 2:36 PM


    "I don't like the limited options in the Country Club it prevents Club owners from running things smoothly - are there any improvements on the road map for this feature?"

    "I like the way we are able to equip clubs and balls - this is perfect and no improvements are needed "

    Perfect Shrude, Good form. Thanks for sticking with it until we cleared things up. Looking forward to your actual contribution :)


    Stay classy,
