A 285 page thread is not a very effective way to manage a bug/suggestion list. I've posted a few suggestions, but how can I find them now, or check status?
How do you manage your list? Can we see it? Players (customers) can help you prioritize if you provide a real tool to manage the lists. You need a managed list that is easy to see, sort, search, and update. Otherwise you just get people like me posting the same things over and over (out of frustration).
Now, I have 2 suggestions I'd like on the list:
1. a round timer that tracks your actual "wgt time" in stroke or match play (the time from when you're able to hit until your ball comes to rest) to enable "speed golf" scoring
2. sticky threads for CC's to enable FAQs, rules, etc so that CCs can manage a set of standard threads that all members can easily see/find.
That is all.
Thank you for this most excellent virtual golf platform/simulation (calling it a "game" sells it way short) that consumes WAY too much time. Love it.
PS: clicked the "email replies" box, so....