YankeeJim:Profile/Friends/right click/open in new tab/repeat.
Tats how iI do it also, Right click on a frind and open the new tab, HOWEVER.
I find i can only open up one row at a time about 9 - 10 tabs , before flash starts crashing and the REMOVE FRIEND box doesn't appear.
The REAL PITA is culling club members.
Sort by Date Last Played, Right click , open member in new tab, check em out.
Go back to the club members page, press the X to remove the member the WHOLE dang page reloads to default alpha sort and you have to sort & do it all over again.
Each profile should have a 'remove from club' for Owners as well as and remove friend option
Let a lone checkboxes next to every ones name in your club member list or friends list, with different options for a checked box.