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I May Have Been Too Quick To Judge...

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Thu, Jun 10 2010 5:22 AM (4 replies)
  • GarryEdkins
    49 Posts
    Thu, Jun 10 2010 4:57 AM regards to paying for equipment.

    Truth is, i've spent about $50(£25-£30) and can play at a relatively decent level, if i had to go out and buy a console and then a golf game to match this one(which there is'nt imo) then that would cost me a hell of a lot more.

    BUT......and this is a very big but, there are things severely lacking and the main thing is courses to actually play.

    In total there are 8 courses of which only 4 allow you to play a full round, now, take Oakmont out of that equation unless your a Master with some very very good clubs and that leaves only 3 and even Bethpage is problematic for those without the "best" gear.

    I'm at a stage now where i have become quite bored playing the same courses and after playing intensively for 10 days straight since i joined i've lost that initial excitement due to the lack of courses available, this will definitely stop me playing anything but the odd round, until more courses are available to play full rounds.

    I have heard that new courses(or those only available as "closest to the hole" at the moment) are eventually going to be available, but i have yet to hear a timescale of when such courses will be available AND if such courses are going to be playable for us "normals" or just for those of us who are "Masters" of which i'll NEVER be, because despite having "reasonably good" hand-eye coordination, cannot use the faster swing meter clubs.

    Does anyone have anymore information about the future availability of up and coming full round courses? it'll make a big difference to how much time i will spend playing the game.

    PS. I just had another round at Oakmont and hit a 81, i had one 4 putt and five 3 putts, which is an instant 7 shots on my score and thats without those holes that are out of range with the usual amount of shots(300 yard par 3 and long par 4's unreachable in two shots)

    Anyway, thats my two penneth, i'd like to hear other peoples views on the subjects i have raised?

  • BolloxInBruges
    1,389 Posts
    Thu, Jun 10 2010 5:02 AM

    A little over a year ago we had 9 holes to play on total.  If you are already bored with 72 different holes to choose from, and are upset you are not a master after 10 days, I'd suggest moving on to TWO.

  • GarryEdkins
    49 Posts
    Thu, Jun 10 2010 5:08 AM


    A little over a year ago we had 9 holes to play on total.  If you are already bored with 72 different holes to choose from, and are upset you are not a master after 10 days, I'd suggest moving on to TWO.

    Bollux - Grow up fella, i dont want to be a Master, i just want more courses to play on and am happy to stay as a Pro if such courses become available(and playable as a Pro)

    I am simply interested in finding out how soon morefully playable courses will be available?

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, Jun 10 2010 5:21 AM

    I am simply interested in finding out how soon morefully playable courses will be available?

    I wouldn't look for anything major right away but what Bollux says about a year ago and now is a pretty good indication that WGT is picking up speed along with sponsors (like the USGA.) Unless you're extremely motivated I could see where boredom with familiarity could settle in. I've been there too. Pounding out round after round by yourself will do this.

    One of the ways to alleviate this would be to look at the ladder site. It's free.

    In the meantime patience is the only thing you can have. If what has transpired in the past year is any indication the next year should prove to be even better. Keep the faith!

  • marioh
    1,055 Posts
    Thu, Jun 10 2010 5:22 AM

    WGT has a history of not releasing any type of accurate timeline for any features or courses.

    All they have ever done is release vague time ranges, but nothing specific.

    The only times they are specific is for events like the Virtual Opens, which they are basically forced to due to licensing agreements with the courses involved and the USGA.