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Thu, Jun 10 2010 6:41 AM (4 replies)
  • SteveP29
    34 Posts
    Thu, Jun 10 2010 5:13 AM

    Why don't you make these tournaments by invitation only, for the highest ranked players.

    If any of them turn the invitation down, move to the next player on the ranking list and so on.

    Then in turn, make further tournaments available to the next ranking section, so that each player is playing with competitors with equal ability, or is this what you will be trying to implement when you introduce the handicap system?

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, Jun 10 2010 5:25 AM

    Why don't you make these tournaments by invitation only, for the highest ranked players.

    They kind of already are, Steve. While everybody's invited to try only 156 or so will make the actual US Open tournament by qualifying. Then they will go off and duke it out whilst us commoners do whatever commoners do.   ;-)

  • SteveP29
    34 Posts
    Thu, Jun 10 2010 5:47 AM

    Understood, but, what really is the point of us commoners as you call us even trying to qualify?

    Why not, like I said originally, limit tournaments to certain parameters, at the moment, your playing average, ie, up to 70, 70-75, 76-80, 81-85 & 86+

    Surely this would be more competitive, for those who may shoot an average 76 have no real chance of competing with anyone with a lower than 70 average

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, Jun 10 2010 6:05 AM

    Understood, but, what really is the point of us commoners as you call us even trying to qualify?

    Lightning in a bottle! I use TheLighterDark as a perfect example. His 57 leading the Oakmont qualifying was his first ever sub 60 round!! I played a round with him and his account of that round was funny. He said he was crapping his britches when he made the turn at 7 under and could hardly get through the last 3 holes, he was so nervous. It was like he came out of nowhere and is now leading. 

    You never know when your stars all line up and everything you do is right. The tiered tournaments will be there after the Open finishes but in the meantime it's fun, albeit quite frustrating, to dream a little by trying your hand at it.

    BTW, I told TLD he was this year's Cinderella story and I'm calling it       FridayTheLighterDarkNightLights!  :-D


  • dorkfeatures
    712 Posts
    Thu, Jun 10 2010 6:41 AM

    Nice post Yankee.

    I wonder when my stars  will line up lol.  Probably never, but hell its good fun trying all the same - and as you say you just never know. :-)

    Sub 60 round  ?? - I cant spell it, never mind shoot it  lol.

