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The result of YOUR feedback!

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Thu, Dec 6 2012 5:44 PM (17 replies)
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  • WGTpizza
    1,656 Posts
    Thu, Dec 6 2012 11:55 AM

    Hello community!

    I am here to share with you some changes you will find in our latest release:


    • Improvements to the Completion Percentage display: We have received a ton of feedback on this feature since it's inception and we have now switched from a numerical display to a graphical one. This should retain the "reputation" readings of this feature without the confusion of losing/gaining minute percentages.
    • Improvements to Tier Scoring calculations to help prevent sand-bagging: The anti-sand bagging measure we put in place has now been altered to be less aggressive. This should help prevent any "fake" tiers, specifically at Tour Pro and above.
    • Country Clubs can now run multi-round closest-to-the-hole tournaments: Power to the CC owners! You can now run these tourneys :)


    Thank you to everyone who is consistently providing classy feedback on everything that is WGT. We promise to continue to listen to you and make changes to the game accordingly :)


    Stay classy,


  • filmslayer
    2,341 Posts
    Thu, Dec 6 2012 12:07 PM


    • Improvements to the Completion Percentage display: We have received a ton of feedback on this feature since it's inception and we have now switched from a numerical display to a graphical one. This should retain the "reputation" readings of this feature without the confusion of losing/gaining minute percentages.

    could you please expand a lil on this , as to what we're gonna see and what different colors mean ?

  • WGTpizza
    1,656 Posts
    Thu, Dec 6 2012 12:08 PM

    could you please expand a lil on this , as to what we're gonna see and what different colors mean ?

    Go play a game and see this improvement in action! There are green, yellow and red check marks instead of a percentage number. These colors fall under percentage ranges, so if you complete a lot of games you will be green and if you do not finish a lot of games you will be red.


    Stay classy,


  • filmslayer
    2,341 Posts
    Thu, Dec 6 2012 12:11 PM

    you have answered my question , thank you ...

  • jigglybutt
    208 Posts
    Thu, Dec 6 2012 12:25 PM

    What about all the people that have been requesting a driving range and a practice green?. How can this be the most realistic game when You can't even supply that for your players?.

    I see you can come up with new bags and stuff...And all of that makes you guys a profit! Try doing some real changes that are greatly needed.

    I mean I don't think I've ever been to a golf course in real life that didn't have a putting green you can practice on before you go out and play!!!

    And wgt best of putting does not suffice, not very often I find myself trying to make 150 -290 ft putts while I'm playing a round.

    Maybe I'm being crazy here but I do believe people have been asking for driving range and putting green for practicing for quite some time.

    Is it ever going to happen ???? 

    I'd love to get a reply on this wgtpizza. I love this game, just don't call it the most realistic when you can't even make a simple putting green for players to practice.

    I know there are many demands and requests out there but this is a real one that should be listened too! I don't care about having a golf bag sitting beside me while I hit my ball. 

  • WGTpizza
    1,656 Posts
    Thu, Dec 6 2012 12:40 PM

    What about all the people that have been requesting a

    You can end this sentence with any suggestion, and you will find this sentence being typed after EVERY release from WGT. We will never be able to make every player happy at the same time, so we are not foolish enough to attempt this.

    a driving range and a practice green?

    If you have been around WGT for a while, you will know that this particular subject has been discussed thoroughly. WGT currently has no plans to develop these features, as "practice" mode is already in the game. Please search the forums for further threads on this topic if you have any questions.

    I see you can come up with new bags and stuff...And all of that makes you guys a profit!

    World Golf Tour is a business. At the end of the day, our goal is to continue providing this free game for the community. That means they will do whatever works to make profit. This should not be a surprise to anyone, and it's my opinion it should be encouraged. Well done, WGT for giving players the option to purchase a cool looking item, should the player feel appreciative of this business giving them an online realistic golf experience for free.

    Try doing some real changes that are greatly needed.

    Would you mean something like this for example?


    Stay classy,


  • Elknoxious
    1,123 Posts
    Thu, Dec 6 2012 12:46 PM


    Try doing some real changes that are greatly needed.

    Would you mean something like this for example?

    Stay classy,


    Funny stuff...Nice one 

    Nice to see WGT listening to some of the suggestions and improving the game. Thanks

    1,189 Posts
    Thu, Dec 6 2012 12:51 PM

    I mean I don't think I've ever been to a golf course in real life that didn't have a putting green you can practice on before you go out and play!!!


    I'm pretty sure they don't let you shoot whole 18 holes practice rounds as well (on a real course). Or practice on single holes. You can practice like a maniac  with the features this game already has, so what would be the point of designing more ways. To support laziness?

  • jigglybutt
    208 Posts
    Thu, Dec 6 2012 12:53 PM

    Not a personal attack at you wgtpizza by any means. I know this is a business and I'm simply stating it would be nice to have such things.

    I know you can't make everyone happy, clearly I'm not the only one asking if this could be possible.

    how many courses have you played in real life that don't have a putting green? Riddle me that! 

     I'm sure people would love it. Just saying! :)

    1,189 Posts
    Thu, Dec 6 2012 12:54 PM

  • Improvements to Tier Scoring calculations to help prevent sand-bagging: The anti-sand bagging measure we put in place has now been altered to be less aggressive. This should help prevent any "fake" tiers, specifically at Tour Pro and above.

    I believe I speak for many others who like their free MPs (especially for inter and intra CC comps) when I say THANK YOU VERY MUCH.

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