borntobesting:Why is it that I rarely have a problem after an update?? Could it be that I do as WGT suggests and clear both my caches before playing? And do routine browser maintenance to assure myself of the best possible playing experience.
I don't want to cause any trouble here, especially with you born, because I respect you and your knowledge of this game and it's components, but I must differ with you on this one.
I do the same before every game, clear this and that, and for the most part, it does help to an extent. My driver thru the wedges have a smooth meter 98% of the time, except for my putter.
It is the ONLY club in my bag that defies logic in respect to the meter. When it comes time to putt, the meter has a mind of it's own. It skips, jumps, finds warp drive, stalls, dances with wolves, and has affairs with other clubs.
My putter is a whore enslaved by the meter.
I have learned to adjust, of course, to this trickery farce, and putt well, but can anyone tell me, with a straight face how my computer can tell the difference between clubs?
Answer me me that!
Have a nice day.