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WGT, do you guys even test your updates?

rated by 0 users
Sat, Dec 8 2012 7:42 AM (25 replies)
  • genegold2
    1,302 Posts
    Thu, Dec 6 2012 10:10 PM

    I also do regular clearing of flash and browser. Do you play as much as me everyday? I do not have problems with meter jerk and my internet connection is solid as a rock. Go play about 10 games AS and then come back and say you rarely have problems. This is a challenge and no way meant to reflect on your honesty. If the wgt folks would get on from somewhere other than the office so they are connected from a remote site, I think they would all see some of these problems. Enough said by me.

  • sdorr
    650 Posts
    Thu, Dec 6 2012 11:52 PM

    Why is it that I rarely have a problem after an update?? Could it be that I do as WGT suggests and clear both my caches before playing? And do routine browser maintenance to assure myself of the best possible playing experience.

    I don't want to cause any trouble here, especially with you born, because I respect you and your knowledge of this game and it's components, but I must differ with you on this one.

    I do the same before every game, clear this and that, and for the most part, it does help to an extent. My driver thru the wedges have a smooth meter 98% of the time, except for my putter.

    It is the ONLY club in my bag that defies logic in respect to the meter. When it comes time to putt, the meter has a mind of it's own. It skips, jumps, finds warp drive, stalls, dances with wolves, and has affairs with other clubs.

    My putter is a whore enslaved by the meter.

    I have learned to adjust, of course, to this trickery farce, and putt well, but can anyone tell me, with a straight face how my computer can tell the difference between clubs?

    Answer me me that!

    Have a nice day.

  • borntobesting
    9,779 Posts
    Fri, Dec 7 2012 12:24 AM


    It is the ONLY club in my bag that defies logic in respect to the meter. When it comes time to putt, the meter has a mind of it's own. It skips, jumps, finds warp drive, stalls, dances with wolves, and has affairs with other clubs.

    My putter is a whore enslaved by the meter.

    Do you by any chance have the putting grid turned on. That being turned on can make your putter meter absolutely awful when everything is near perfection. The few times I have tried to play with it turned on were a nightmare. 

  • Games4Ever71
    623 Posts
    Fri, Dec 7 2012 1:07 AM


    Rarely a post-update  problem for me too, although I do clear cache in the browser every time it closes

    I only do cache cleaning and that is all and I have non of what a lot in the forum say there is a big problem. I think a lot like to point fingers first and ask later.



    It is the ONLY club in my bag that defies logic in respect to the meter. When it comes time to putt, the meter has a mind of it's own. It skips, jumps, finds warp drive, stalls, dances with wolves, and has affairs with other clubs.

    My putter is a whore enslaved by the meter.

    Do you by any chance have the putting grid turned on. That being turned on can make your putter meter absolutely awful when everything is near perfection. The few times I have tried to play with it turned on were a nightmare. 

    I use the grid every single game with no problems at all. So that can't be the problem. I think there are people that have old computers too, that have old video cards in it that they think they can play anything with it. You got to realize that not all laptops are going to play todays games even this game as light as it is compare to hard core games. This game will still require a mediocre video card at least or better to play, plus good internet connection 1.5 dsl or higher. Not only those but memory aka ram plays a big part too.

    I bet there is more than half with systems less than that, that play this game and says its wgt that can't get it right. For those people need to look at their hardware before pointing fingers. Not everyone is going to stay in the 80's or 90's for just a game. At least I am one that is moving forward of todays technology.

  • PaulH0070
    1,339 Posts
    Fri, Dec 7 2012 2:45 AM


    Why is it that I rarely have a problem after an update?? Could it be that I do as WGT suggests and clear both my caches before playing? And do routine browser maintenance to assure myself of the best possible playing experience.

    Stinger, you seem to be making a very sweeping comment that all the problems i experienced were down to me. There were 3 other players after all. 

    Gameplay was fine, it was disconnects that was the problem. I've played a handfull of AS games over a couple of weeks and every one ran fine, the first one i try after the update and BOOM it's screwed up.

    What else am i meant to assume other than another update has failed to seamlessly fit into the running of the game?

    I suppose the fact you can't see your opponents clubs in their bag is down to me and my cache as well? lol


  • Oldbayrunner
    1,774 Posts
    Fri, Dec 7 2012 4:12 AM

    Sdorr... Here is a little something I have discovered, at least with my computer. There are few animations running with all of the clubs with the exception of the putter. The moving dot animation when using the putter creates a much higher usage load on my cpu. Once I start to utilize my swing meter the animations stop but it takes a few seconds for my cpu usage to drop to a low enough point that I can release my downswing and encounter little to no meter stutter. Possible you are encountering the same thing and why your putter seems to be the worst.

    Try putting a cpu meter on top of your game screen while you play and I think you will see what I am talking about.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Fri, Dec 7 2012 5:41 AM

    Try putting a cpu meter on top of your game screen while you play and I think you will see what I am talking about.

    Right click on your task bar, select Task Manager and look under the Performance tab.

  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Fri, Dec 7 2012 5:57 AM

    Well, every time there's an update, it causes a bug somewhere else.  Now the bags have been introduced I'm no longer able to take a look at my opponents equipment, their squares which are meant to show clubs are all blank, and when i click on mine and go back to opponent, my clubs are in their spaces, even my pink bag!.

    And on top of all this, you are not able to get rid of the bag.  If you try and get rid, it just stays there.

  • Rockitch
    1,022 Posts
    Fri, Dec 7 2012 5:58 AM

    And you don't even need to have it on top, for an icon in the systray will display processor usage (roughly, because of small icon) when you have the task manager running.


  • caker72
    307 Posts
    Fri, Dec 7 2012 8:21 AM
