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Would Appreciate Some Understanding of This Shot

Wed, Jan 2 2013 1:29 PM (23 replies)
  • Buckeye8084
    307 Posts
    Fri, Dec 7 2012 11:18 PM

    replay.aspx?ID=fdeb062f 2838 4bb9 b86a a1210077adb0

    I was in 30/40 sand. 90 yards. I hit a 100% full 52 cleveland wedge. 

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Fri, Dec 7 2012 11:44 PM

    You just hit the edge, being so close to the wall. 60° or 64° wooda been better IMHO.

    From 30+ bunker, it's about getting out rather than distance. Best length is about 55 yds from less restricted lies.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sat, Dec 8 2012 12:19 AM

    Sadly just not enough loft from being so close to the bunker wall. Having played several links courses in the UK, a ball like this often can only be played out sideways. This game is usually a little more forgiving and you can advance it 40 yards or so, but the first objective is to get it out in my opinion.

  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Sat, Dec 8 2012 12:40 AM

    These are the times WGT should show or record the swing meter on replays. And your CG wedge was the wrong club to use for that bunker shot.

    You should of used your Burner wedge and hit with 95% meter power. It would have put you on the green with a lengthy birdie putt, if not closer to the hole. That 18 mph wind blowing at 8 had to be taken into consideration as well.

    It was a doable shot nonetheless.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sat, Dec 8 2012 12:54 AM

    You should of used your Burner wedge and hit with 95% meter power.
    Hmm - you speak of the Burner PW, don't you? Proposing an even lesser lofted club in that situation would make the shot lower and include the risk of staying in the bunker.

    My 2 Pfennig

  • Buggyyy
    1,963 Posts
    Sat, Dec 8 2012 1:11 AM

    You should of used your Burner wedge and hit with 95% meter power. It would have put you on the green with a lengthy birdie putt, if not closer to the hole. That 18 mph wind blowing at 8 had to be taken into consideration as well.

    I have to disagree with you on this one Richard. PW aren't designed to get a plugged ball out of a bunker. He had no choice but to use a CG wedge. Most players screw up their rounds trying to hit their irons out of 30-40% bunker. They will most likely end up in the same bunker or end up in some worse lie because they don't make a smart decision.

    Taking par is always the better idea...

    I think about it like this:

    Any shot not inside 30 yards (like alosso said), you can try hitting a punch shot with full back spin to get it close. If your further out than that, I suggest punching out to fairway or laying up in some kind of way. Would you rather have Par or Bogey? Think about that the next time you are in such a situation.

  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Sat, Dec 8 2012 1:46 PM

    The R11 pitching wedge works great for me in those situations. There isn't much difference with the Burner wedge, IMO. I don't view those shots as needing a wedge with more or less loft, I view the shot as hitting a wedge with more power while making sure the clubs yardage is two times greater in length of the overall yardage to the pin. 

    The bunkers at Oakmont and Congressional are good examples. You have to hit those bunker shots with at least 15 to 20% more power to get out cleanly.

    Just remember to club-up and hit those shots with an extraordinary amount of power. The ball will land on the green, or at best roll in the cup.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sat, Dec 8 2012 2:02 PM

    The R11 pitching wedge works great for me in those situations.

    Yet you give him bad advice by saying use a less lofted club in the Burner wedge? Do you know the difference between a 52 degree club and a set wedge? My RL set wedge is 2 degrees less lofted at 50 degrees. I suspect it's similar here. In the absence of having the R11s the 80W CG was the club to use and I'm not even sure the R11 clears that from where he was. Not if the 52 hit the top.

  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Sun, Dec 9 2012 2:46 PM

    I know what happened now. I transposed the OPs yardage. I thought he/she wrote 30 yards and in fact it's a 90 yard shot. In this case it should be a 9 iron for that bunker shot.

    My mistake.

  • Buggyyy
    1,963 Posts
    Sun, Dec 9 2012 3:11 PM


    I know what happened now. I transposed the OPs yardage. I thought he/she wrote 30 yards and in fact it's a 90 yard shot. In this case it should be a 9 iron for that bunker shot.

    My mistake.

    It shouldn't be a 9 iron either. A 9 iron will not travel that far from the bunker. A SW or LW will be the only thing that achieves a reasonable result. Punching it will give it the most yardage out of 30-40%. The only way the irons will work is out of the 15-20% bunker.