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Sat, Dec 15 2012 4:53 PM (10 replies)
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  • bronyaur
    5 Posts
    Sun, Dec 9 2012 4:10 PM

    What is up with the error page coming up during  a good game Im having and then having the gall to tell me I didnt return in time,BS if you ask me,no wonder my % is so damn low.


  • Quijotazo
    648 Posts
    Sun, Dec 9 2012 10:55 PM


    What is up with the error page coming up during  a good game Im having and then having the gall to tell me I didnt return in time,BS if you ask me,no wonder my % is so damn low.

    Adobe Flash Player has probed to be very subtle to failure with zero tolerance on internet signal minimum interference.  I was having your very same problems until I changed to a different Internet company with a more reliable signal.  There are several Internet sites for monitoring your own signal.  Good luck on finding your solution.

  • Mannyac
    11 Posts
    Mon, Dec 10 2012 12:49 AM

    I'm having a big problem with pop-ups that cover my meter therefore I cannot play. Advertising is one thing, but this is ridiculous!!!!!

  • bronyaur
    5 Posts
    Mon, Dec 10 2012 5:03 AM

    It happened again today,comon WGT,this is getting riduculous.

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Mon, Dec 10 2012 7:07 AM


    What is up with the error page coming up during  a good game Im having and then having the gall to tell me I didnt return in time,BS if you ask me,no wonder my % is so damn low.


    Is this a Bronyaur stomp?

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Mon, Dec 10 2012 10:05 AM


    What is up with the error page coming up during  a good game Im having and then having the gall to tell me I didnt return in time,BS if you ask me,no wonder my % is so damn low.


    QUIJOTAZO is right. These issues 99% of the time are computer dependent or signal dependent. Shaky wifi signal may not be detected when you browse or send emails but will definitely drop a game.

    There are many things one can try on the software side, but alas, it's not a panacea


  • borntobesting
    9,683 Posts
    Mon, Dec 10 2012 12:36 PM


    I'm having a big problem with pop-ups that cover my meter therefore I cannot play. Advertising is one thing, but this is ridiculous!!!!!

    If you are getting pop-ups during game play then you had better check your PC for adware and spy ware because WGT does not have ad pop-ups during game play.

  • colinscott
    55 Posts
    Mon, Dec 10 2012 5:10 PM

    That's BS. t it's not signal.  IT IS WGT.  World Glitch Tour.  3 games in a row...after going into sudden death...ends in wgt error.  WGT wasting too much time on the little a champagne ball and a what!?  golf bag for on the tee.!  HA HA HA.  Spend some time fixing the damn game and making a little less $$ ...just for now. 


  • Rzbk
    376 Posts
    Mon, Dec 10 2012 9:59 PM



    I'm having a big problem with pop-ups that cover my meter therefore I cannot play. Advertising is one thing, but this is ridiculous!!!!!

    If you are getting pop-ups during game play then you had better check your PC for adware and spy ware because WGT does not have ad pop-ups during game play.


    I have noticed many of your replies tend to be worded as absolute and unquestionable

    Perhaps they are.

    I am writing this not to be difficult or accusing but because I want to know if you are to taken as a serious spokesman or a everyday wind bag. 

    Are you truthful and  aware of the responsibility you have to your statements.

    I hope you wisely use this time as an opportunity to strengthen your position as a recognized spokesperson who tells it straight because he KNOWS it's straight.

     I'm curious as to how you can be so definitive unless you are associated with wgt in ways that allows you to be this assured.   

    IMO, if you are involved with this site then you should be forthwith and justify your answers. If you are not involved, this type of statement should be termed as your opinion and not as if you wrote the wgt rule book. 

    HOW do you KNOW wgt does not have pop-ups during game play? And telling me it's because they SAY so doesn't  support  your unequivocal statements.

    How refreshing and instructive these forum's could be if we had less wind bags and more who are concerned with truthful substance.

    And don't think I'm referring to BtB with that remark. That hasn't been determined.

    Thank you for your time.


    This was written the following day. 12-11

    When I wrote the above I had not experienced the ad popping up during game play as some had mentioned. 

    Alas, not 15 minutes after posting and during a game with 3 other players with one of the players putting the ad blew in and dominated the screen. 

    I took a screen shot and sent it in as asked.  I also asked how this could occur, why did it occur and exactly what I might do to help stop this. 

    This also happened during my last game played today. The game also booted me once, booted one other player and stopped twice with the pop up that says: " Were sorry. wgt has experienced an error and you must reboot". 

    Now I didn't notice the pop-up saying that ad ware and spy ware in my computer  had caused this error..

    That's another reason I have question's.

    I was hoping BtB would have had something to say which would have given me some excellent 'real time'  follow-up to my thoughts.

    So if I understand BtB correctly, this happened because of ad-ware or  spy ware. Even though this has never happened before, nothing new has been done, nothing different, nothing changed, nothing added, nothing subtracted, no surprises in other computer short, absolutely NOTHING has changed in my computer since yesterday, but it was suddenly affected by these 'bad wares'.

    And some wonder why some others won't slap themselves up the side of the head and say; YEP, You boys been right all along even if ya never did explain how come just a very few of you seem to know ALL the answers and why the hell should anyone take your word for it anyhow...

    But ya know something??  I wonder if the fellow talking about seeing proof from people who complained about erratic play thought these unsubstantiated opinions spoken as absolutes were in fact proof that it's always the fault of the player and never wgt's lack of, lack of..well, if nothing else, the lack of being forthwith and responsible  to their customers.   

    And before it's suggested for the 98,364 time, I had cleaned my cache, emptied  my history and done the suggested preventative chores to stop the meter jerk, game freeze, players booted, game suspension, error pop-ups, wind blowing the wrong direction, balls rolling backwards, etc....etc...etc...etc

    I'm fully aware you owe me nothing, no explanations, no answers, not even an acknowledgement.

    But  when you elect yourself to teach us the facts you owe everyone the proof that you know what your talking about and not just another unwanted bag of wind.

    12-20;  Well, I guess 10 days with no reply tells me all I needed to know.  Makes me wonder how much crap we are told by people who have no more idea of the correct answer as the person asking. Just unneeded bags of wind.   Or WINDBAGS!!


  • emmieking
    13 Posts
    Fri, Dec 14 2012 3:57 AM


    It sounds mean to say this (not meant to offend) but I'm SO glad to hear others are getting the pop-up box saying there has been an error and to re-boot.  

    Being relatively new to the game and not having this happen at the beginning, (ie the first few weeks)  I was frantic to know what was the error and how was it caused?  Had I done something unwittingly to break some rule?

    Another message that I'm getting more frequently on completion of a skins game, is that I have forfeited the game and lost any skins I might have won - even though the game was fully completed  - ie I did not leave the game at any stage or click out of the game without waiting to see the final scores.

    At first it happened now and then but tonight I have attempted 5 games and have been chucked out of 4 of them.  Apart from the frustration of being unable to complete the game, I don't want other players thinking I'm rude enough to disconnect because I'm losing!

    I really like this game and have met some lovely people but all the fun drains out of it when one is never sure when one is going to be thrown off.

    It was most instructive to read that internet connection that is good enough for e-mailing and facebook activity is not necessarily good enough to maintain a golf game on wgt.

    thanks to everyone for their input :)


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