WGTpizza:A decent suggestion
Has been suggested before.
However even in the Game Window, hovering your mouse doesn't always pop up their stats.
This would also be of value in a Leaderboard, hovering your mouse to see tier and basic stats.
In some areas of the site you can do this, sometimes it takes a click, you wait and it then appears, in that very same area, you can click and wait on a player all you like and nothing will pop up, yet the player directly underneath, will pop up stats.
The friends list on the left of the main WGT page (Not game client) could do with some tweaking.
- hovering your mouse to get stats.
- Improving the scroll bar so it stays where you leave it instead of refreshing in 5 seconds (currently you have to be VERY quick to scroll down to view a player and click on a player at the end of the Alphabet.
- Check boxes next to each name with options to delete all checked - send message to all checked.
- User notes - right click a friends/ members name and have a sticky note pop up in which you could take a few short notes. Hover your mouse over the 'note' icon to view a pop up of the notes.
- Forcing true status mode, so we aren't endlessly inviting players who aren't currently active (AFK) or are actually in a game.
Similar a time out - if they haven't clicked their mouse in WGT site for say 10 mins, their dot would turn red or grey.
This can be overided by the player - in case he is having a hit and waiting on a friends invite. But, any new game he begins or next 'time out' should revert to accurate status.
Please note these down Pizza. :)
Shine on... . . .