Sorry, I was making lite of this topic with a joke and should have
I myself have had a hard time playing Legends from Amateur up to Tour Pro. And have been told in the community that "They will not give away their secrets" or "Most Legends do not play with players below their tier". I have even come across a friend here who made Legend and I played her one time when she finally accepted my invitation. I wanted it to be a friendly game among friends. But after a couple of bad shots on her account she quickly stated she had to go ( Beginning of hole #2) and logged off before I could even say good bye. So I have not really tried to get any help from anyone above since then. Just left me with a bad experience. I myself have helped friends who were below me in tier even with gifts of better clubs. I just wish we could all come together as a virtual family sharing golf as our main interest and help one another. It sure would be a lot more enjoyable to play on here and less arguments in the forums.
God Bless & Merry Christmas!
BUMP 2+ Sorry for going off topic