If anyone knows of any clubs that are looking for members, please send me a message.
A way to find out for yourself is to click on WGT Community, then select country clubs, then browse the list to see which one sounds good to you.
Yeah, ive just set one up called REDHOUSE GOLF SOCIETY we are looking for members.
However, when i send a invitation people dont seem to recieve them, any idea how you accept an invitation to a country club?????????/
Happy Hackers has a few open spots.
SteveColl03: However, when i send a invitation people dont seem to recieve them, any idea how you accept an invitation to a country club?????????/
Steve, members you invite are sent an e-mail to confirm your invitation. Members may not check their e-mails very often, especially if they don't know to look for something.
I recommend telling them to check their e-mail to confirm.
All the clubs are full of Masters and Pros. Isn't there any club for Those-who-Slice-and-are-Proud of it?
HussainAkbar: All the clubs are full of Masters and Pros. Isn't there any club for Those-who-Slice-and-are-Proud of it?
Check clubs with more members that have less earnings, they are typically filled with your average players.
Hi. are you still looking for members if so please let me know? teedoff50
If your joining a club i want to know.
Happy Hackers still has a few open spots and the name says it all. Right now our membership is 12.
4 hacks
3 amature
5 pros