Come one , come all ! Introducing "tbe's House of Worship ! " Now open 24/7 for your convenience."Why wait 'til you're in the middle of that important game ?" Make your ball offering here, and avoid the middleman ! Come see our state of the art sacrificial altar
Virtually crafted with the utmost realism, featuring not only the the Supreme VEM God, but also his attendant lesser gods the Deviations ( Left & Right, Long & Short, and WTF ). Now, for only a token sacrifice, you too can regain your confidence on the links. Just tell 'em, " I gave at the altar ", an' let 'er rip ! Just listen to these testimonials !
Frappefort wrote ;
"I am ,making a pilgrimage,to the House of Worship., Where i will be kneeling,and chanting ,to the VEM god . I am offering him 3 black X balls . Maybee he will leave my Nikes alone. I will be making this trip once a year to the WGT universe . I recommend that all Members make this Pilgrimage and make a sacrifice for the up comming year ."
and "Q" had this to say,
"I was lost... in great starvation for redemption... I was in the shadowed waters of sin... in the darkness of those wicked weeds and fescues... and my whole life was out of bounce...then...suddenly... I heard the voice that called upon my name and said... "Son, it is not your fault... you are my child, you have been chosen... you have been Vemmed !Then... I saw the light... the path of righteousness, the awakening from my previous unconcious state... because NOW I KNOW THAT " IT" IS THERE WATCHING ME ! Every time I purchase my "Nikeys", every time I count in the silence in my aiming anxieties for a better swing. "It" is there followng my clicks... Yes, brothers and sisters... "It" is there, watching us and rejoicing for every ball we sacrifice in it's glorious name ! Hail "It"... the lord of our perdition, the light of our frustration, the god of our deviation... Hallelujah ! "
And , not only that, "tbe's" is the only sacrificial altar endorsed by Beta-Man !
"Hey, I'm all for it, that much less for me to carry !"
There you have it folks ! So , drop on by "tbe's House of Worship" and make that sacrifice today ! "tbe's" the multi-denominational family friendly place for you to offer one up to the Vem God. Sorry, no group discounts.
(If you or any of your friends have a testmonial of your own you would like to share, please feel free to post it below.)
Doc :)
Special thanks to : "tbe" Story line/ inspiration
andyson labs : artwork
Mssrs. Frappefort & Q : testimonials/ support