has i was kneeling in the house of Worship ,i secretly asked the VIM God,to bring harmony to WGT. Well i got up this morning ,came to see this thread again .......... i am still laughing , And this great voice told me ,see Frapp it starts here ,see all the people talking to each other ,yet we dont know each other ,yet we are like a familly and a happy one at that, The voice told me he will start working on the world population . So because of that i went to the water holes put 3 Nikes in the water , correction the 3rd ball was on its way to the midle of the lac ,it went up and up ,and all of a secound its as if someone took the ball in mid flight and made a 90% turn landed on the fairway . I fell to me knee then and chanted thxs the the Vim God . So i beleive in sacrifice . Frapp :) PS: TY all for this fun thread and again excuse the writing , :) Like( mon ami) says stay classy and have all a Merry Christmas Joyeux Noel .