I'd like to call this a mission, not a contest, but there will be a prize :)
I would like to see a "first post" by a wgt member here in this thread. I get a kick out of seeing first time posters in here and splashing around in the forums. Especially ones that are just saying hi or asking for help, rather than complaining :)
I know it takes time for a post to be moderated, so in some way it's up to wgt I suppose.
If anyone reading these forums stumbles upon this......post quick and we'll see how quickly wgt can get it approved.
Something even better would be forum regulars that may read this, reach out to a club member who doesn't visit here, or someone they're hittin a round with or whatever, and tell them to head on over here to the forums.
So, three potential prizes given........2 to new posters and one to a sponsoring veteran
1) First new poster stumbling upon this of their own accord (you will win a prize)
2) First new poster informed by a forum veteran about this post
a) forum vet - please post who you expect to make a 1st post here (you will win too)
b) forum rookie - please post who told you to come here (you will win a prize)
** I will be using the 'number of posts' associated with the user as the determining factor. Please make sure to post here first and not some other thread. Furthermore, be cautious to not make additional posts until the prizes have been awarded**
This may be confusing, but it's clear in my feeble mind. Much like my humor, i'm often the only one that gets me.
Any how......get em in here, so they can start having some fun, get good info, meet new folks, and sometimes even win a prize. I don't know if this will work, but it'll work out, it always does :)
ps.......the prizes will be a mystery.....can't have that being any sort of determining factor for participation lol