It's not bigfidsh you need to send the email to.
It is the SUPPORT link on the sponsors page who has the offer for credits... is BigFish TrialPay?
Use their support link.
There are som e great offers there.
Not sure which ones you might have in your country but recently for me
Mega Casino 5000 creds to deposit $20
Zinga - 2400? creds - $3 for a Nano iPod
GoDaddy 2700 creds for a $9 domain name (doesnt matter if yu would use it)
Just look for the ones that are better than $1 for $1
Some just need a valid credit card to verify identity, no $ taken
Visa Debit card is what i use.;
I am also very careful if it is a free months trial I cancel my membership before the month is up, or your CCard will be debited.
Even an offer where you spend $10 to get 1500 creds is worth it, as you end up with some kind of product as well.
Just like the BigFish ones, what was that , spend $3 for 1700 creds or somehting?
Oh and be prepared for spam!
Most of the spam has a very SMALL, 'unsubscribe' link, at the bottom, use it, it works.
Again be careful fo random spam, that may not be related to your offer. Clicking unsubscribe verify's your email address.
I suggest getting a couple of gmail/yahoo/hotmail accounts for this very purpose.