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Wed, Dec 19 2012 5:07 AM (1 replies)
  • Games4Ever71
    623 Posts
    Tue, Dec 18 2012 6:03 PM

    One with mods that know how to close threads, when they been going on forever. I wonder if there is a topic that has ever been closed in this forum. There is so many that go for hundreds of pages of posts, and have not been closed. I never seen such a search for a forum that first brings up topics from the beginning of the site as this forum does. If you want to find recent topics, instead you get old ones, and those old topics are not closed. They still sit there ready to be brought back up from the dead.

    I just made a recent post and edited it and it turned into a double post instead. Isn't it the mods that are supposed to clean up the forum if a topic is dragged on too long and be closed or has not been active for very long time, time for it to be closed? This forum is not done that way. I come in here and see a topic brought back from 2010, 2009. I suggest new forum software install, and mods that know how to close old topics.

    I am not responding to people that come to tear up posts, like in most of the topics in this forum or twist someones words to come into their own meanings, when not reading that persons post and quoting to say something that had nothing to do with that persons post. Hint..hint to one person on this forum I recently respond to in another thread, and made my edited post into a double post (WGT).

    Not saying you can't respond to this thread. Just saying twisting my words for your own benefit gets no response from me anymore.

    5,835 Posts
    Wed, Dec 19 2012 5:07 AM
