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golf bags

Sun, Dec 23 2012 8:53 PM (10 replies)
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  • bingoplus
    1,184 Posts
    Thu, Dec 20 2012 9:09 AM

    Like the new golf bags, but when I played, we  carried our clubs without a stand and laid them on the ground on the tee box.

    Would like that option in the golf bag.  Also, sponsors for the golf bag is a revenue source for wgt and should be pursued, even with some NON-GOLF related sponsors, like Ford or Toyota.  Wouldn't have to be Nike or Callaway.

    Another idea would be to have 'caddy avatars,' that a player could purchase.  

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Thu, Dec 20 2012 9:17 AM


    Like the new golf bags, but when I played, we  carried our clubs without a stand and laid them on the ground on the tee box.

    Would like that option in the golf bag.  Also, sponsors for the golf bag is a revenue source for wgt and should be pursued,

    I don't think any of us would pay for a bag that is just laying on the ground ?

    Reminds me of when I was 12yrs old and had a £30 half set on the local municipal.

    Also if you get onto the 'chats' with misterWGT ( Twitch TV ), you'll find customization is in the pipeline..



  • Fubar057
    170 Posts
    Thu, Dec 20 2012 9:23 AM

    Why would U pay WGT for a bag and then let them get free advertisement  with their logo????


  • bingoplus
    1,184 Posts
    Sat, Dec 22 2012 1:10 PM

    Andy, thanks for the comment.   I  think the bag on the ground looks better.  I carried my clubs in a light shoulder bag for  years and years.  Hated to ride.  Hated to pull a cart.  


  • bingoplus
    1,184 Posts
    Sat, Dec 22 2012 1:12 PM

    Fubar, had any WhiteCastles lately? lol

    Anyway, Same reason people buy T-shirts  with a company logo or people buy golf bags with the gold logos.   Heck, your car has the dealer logo. Thanks for the comment, though.  I do understand your point.



  • bingoplus
    1,184 Posts
    Sat, Dec 22 2012 1:13 PM

    Andy, it would be pretty cool to have your name on the bag, whatever name you use to play the game.


  • Boomerboy44
    1,514 Posts
    Sat, Dec 22 2012 1:28 PM

    I hope this isn't the best they have in new updates !!!!!!!


  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Sun, Dec 23 2012 5:37 AM


    Andy, it would be pretty cool to have your name on the bag, whatever name you use to play the game.


    Yeah,on board with that, In fact if the option were available I'd put my real name on the bag.


  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Sun, Dec 23 2012 5:39 AM


    Why would U pay WGT for a bag and then let them get free advertisement  with their logo????


    And Fubar, to see the bag you are already playing WGT so.....


  • colguera
    1 Posts
    Sun, Dec 23 2012 6:05 AM

    anyone know how to use my new bag?, i cant choose it from the equipament menu, and i cant see it when im playing( inclusive from the tee point),


    thank you

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