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Survey Credits bait and switch

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Fri, Mar 22 2013 4:27 PM (11 replies)
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  • bluzgolf
    1,077 Posts
    Fri, Dec 21 2012 2:18 PM

    OK, we all have done surveys where we did most if not all, then were disqualified.  Well, here is a new twist, the bait and switch.  The survey was offered for 130 credits.  It took 30 minutes to complete.  Then I was "awarded" 5 credits.  And here is the real kicker, they never even credited my account the lousy 5

    A word to the wise, always take a screenshot of the amount of credits offered before you click the pre-qualification.  Then, always take a screenshot of the "Thank you for completing survey" page.

    I've said it before and I'll say it again...  I have been doing survey's for 10+ years.  Peanut Labs is by far the worst survey provider I have ever had the misfortune of dealing with!


    To PL Support


    I took the survey and completed it.  The credits were 130, but I was only awarded 5.
    Attached are the screen shots.


    PL Support
    Dec 20 (1 day ago)

    Where was it stated you would receive 130?  I am not seeing that on any of your screenshots. 
    PL Support 
    To PL Support
    I didn't take a screenshot of the survey offer that was on the WGT survey page, as this has never happened before.  I will from now on.  I would not take a 30 minute survey that only offered 5 credits.  Even at only 130 I had to think about it.  The other thing I find funny is, I wasn't even given the 5 credits.  lol

  • gatordee
    281 Posts
    Fri, Dec 21 2012 2:37 PM

    Whenever you get screwed on your credits, WGT blames them while they blame WGT. They know that no one is going to pursue the issue over a dollar or two. What makes it even worse is you would think WGT would support their customers and give the player the benefit of the doubt. It is not like they have to actually go into their pockets to give you the credit. Now if you have a player that is claiming this every other day, then you have a problem. But it is common sense when you look what a player has spent on himself and friends that a mere couple dollars is not worth the hassles. I spent a few months buying people clubs and balls that seemed like decent people but were just down on their luck so they could enjoy the game more. However, after seeing just how bad the surveys had gotten, I stopped doing those things just for the principle of it. You just have to figure out which ones give what they claim and the only way to do this is by trial and error.

  • TarheelsRule
    5,607 Posts
    Fri, Dec 21 2012 2:54 PM

    In terms of the surveys, I doubt that WGT has much input.  In terms of going through most of the survery for say 150 credits and you go through the first phase of being qualified and make it and then fail after 10 minutes and are awarded 5 credits as a just for your trouble.  This sucks but it happens all the time, I would say that 3 of 4 times to me.   I've pretty much given up on them.

  • bluzgolf
    1,077 Posts
    Fri, Dec 21 2012 3:05 PM

    I've had the disqualification and only get the 5 credits, but this was the first time I got a "Thank You for completing the survey", and the only received 5 credits instead of the credits offered.   (I actually find this bait and switch hilarious.)

  • TarheelsRule
    5,607 Posts
    Sun, Dec 30 2012 2:37 PM

    Some of the surveys give you the thank you for completing but you didn't really complete 100% of it and get the 5 credits.  The peanut labs surverys always tell you that you didn't qualify for the full survery and then give you 5 credits.

    I have found that the surveys are very hit and miss.  I'm not too sure you don't end up wiht more credits doing the daily stuff and the small offers for views, these generally get you 50 credits a day or so, sometimes more.  Surveys are rarely worth the time and effort.

  • H8tank
    14 Posts
    Thu, Jan 10 2013 9:41 PM

    " The survey was offered for 130 credits.  It took 30 minutes to complete."


    130 credits is $1.30

    You wasted 30 minutes of your day for $1?


    I think your problems might be more excessive than filling out surveys to play a free online game.

  • promark1
    412 Posts
    Thu, Jan 10 2013 9:58 PM

    I think your problems might be more excessive than filling out surveys to play a free online game.

    never takes long for the smart @rse to arrive lol

  • gatordee
    281 Posts
    Wed, Mar 20 2013 11:01 AM


    In terms of the surveys, I doubt that WGT has much input.  In terms of going through most of the survery for say 150 credits and you go through the first phase of being qualified and make it and then fail after 10 minutes and are awarded 5 credits as a just for your trouble.  This sucks but it happens all the time, I would say that 3 of 4 times to me.   I've pretty much given up on them.

    Yep! Just completed one after answering 97 questions and I was at 99% and got 5 points because I did not qualify. I am not sure if WGT is behind any of this or not but WGT sits back and permits these company's to screw over their members. However, I have seen post that say people have no problems when  doing the surveys for cash so that tells me that they take advantage of WGT not being able to monitor them and they also know that WGT is their *** and will do nothing about it.  I have not idea why they even ask if the survey was satisfying because they continually run the same ones. It has gotten so bad that they are not even awarding credits for watching videos. IMO i believe WGT knows of it but is getting paid to shut the hell up. 

  • gatordee
    281 Posts
    Wed, Mar 20 2013 11:05 AM

    There is one offer out there that will give you 4 credits for watching a 30 minute video. LMAO! A whole 4 cents in only 30 minutes! 

  • bluzgolf
    1,077 Posts
    Wed, Mar 20 2013 4:38 PM


    " The survey was offered for 130 credits.  It took 30 minutes to complete."


    130 credits is $1.30

    You wasted 30 minutes of your day for $1?


    I think your problems might be more excessive than filling out surveys to play a free online game.

    I wasn't going to address this, but since the thread came up again...

    I'm retired and on a fixed income.  I don't have much money, but I do have time.  Are you suggesting I spend what little money I have on this game?  I think your problem is excessive  ignorance.


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