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Avoid Elite CC & thoughts about this game

Sun, Dec 23 2012 3:35 PM (15 replies)
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  • AgentBrown123
    907 Posts
    Fri, Dec 21 2012 8:24 PM

    Played on this country club for awhile had fun, Jeff the owner seems cool. I've been pretty off and on as a player for the time I've been on there. people seem to move on as I've played on the CC. Been an active member and been supportive until recently.

    I was looking for a move because I found loss of interest in playing the clubs tournaments. Much of the club involves playing qualifiers to play in a tournament type of game. If you want to play tournaments with credits on the line, you will find not even one active tournament to play in. This is why I chose to leave, but not because I'm trying to make credits but because this is something that keeps me focusing on playing well, which is the main addictive attribute this game has.  You know better rounds are possible but without motive it makes it impossible to achieve.

    After quitting the CC I receive this message on my wall from Jeff

    [12/18/2012 2:59:13 PM] Jon*AgentBrown123*:  "Come on man!"

    You left the club because you couldnt compete against the caliber of players we have @ The Elite CC. NOT that we didnt have any club tournaments open,,lol. You never "competed" in any of our club tourns because you couldnt even hold a top 10 position. You would quit the tourns that you tried to compete in once you started making your way DOWN the leaderboard,,lol. Should be a bit more careful how you phrase things Jon.[12/18/2012 2:59:13 PM] Jon*AgentBrown123*:  "Come on man!"

    Then I responded with:

    [12/18/2012 2:59:30 PM] Jon*AgentBrown123*: I can see where you're coming from but it's just a misunderstanding. I was meaning to message you concerning why I decided to leave but have been very busy with the holidays, still I owed you at least an explanation., so I'm sorry. I guess you read the message I left for the congressional cc and after reading it again it was worded wrong. It's not that the elite cc wasn't active, it was. I am looking to get into one with a bit more tournaments with credits on the line. I have a hard time focusing just playing a round just to play it.

    As far as you getting personal saying I couldn't make the top 10 on a list and would quit, that's just ridiculous. The reason you see I didn't finish some of those rounds was because of my previous statement and because I am trying to get average below 60 to make tour legend just to make it, it has nothing to do with that. If I completed every round I would of been at least in the top 5. Anyway it really doesn't matter how you play it's a game and it's supposed to be enjoyed and I wasn't enjoying playing in the cc tournaments, no offense.

    Anyway no hard feelings, I hope you have a nice Holiday,'



    I never got a response from him from this last message I sent. I even sent him a sleeve of nike's because I felt bad and wished him well and no response. Anyway that's how this ordeal ended. The guy just doesn't have much class.... I was surprised because he seemed cool for the time I had played on there. I learned after I had left that he kicked a guy off the club Buggyyy for starting a credit tournament on his first day being on the club. I'm sure there are many other things that have happened that no one knows about. I would advise on avoiding this CC, I certainly lost interest in the game which maybe isn't all that bad of a thing , as this isn't real life stuff here people :)


    Take care and happy holidays to everyone...



  • AgentBrown123
    907 Posts
    Sat, Dec 22 2012 6:52 AM


    Got a reply today

    overtheedge wrote
    on 21 Dec 2012 at 6:00 PM

    Like th eole song goes,,"Aint that a shaaame",,,,,LMAO!!!!!  I couldn't ask for a better holiday gift. Later mang,,,LMFAO!!!!



    Can't say I'm too surprised

  • Choppography
    2,166 Posts
    Sat, Dec 22 2012 7:03 AM

    I think it's classless of all involved to air out your dirty laundry in the public forum.  Trying to divide the WGT community as a whole, especially those with no dog in the fight, is pretty immature.

  • AgentBrown123
    907 Posts
    Sat, Dec 22 2012 8:42 PM

    I don't think so at all, it's not dividing the wgt community. It's helping the community by letting people know who would potentially join to avoid headache and conflict.

  • Woodoworkery
    3,498 Posts
    Sat, Dec 22 2012 9:14 PM

    No Comment

  • pjctas0822
    4,614 Posts
    Sat, Dec 22 2012 10:03 PM

    Personally I dont know anyone at Elite CC but I will say that anyone who runs a CC is owed a bit of gratitude. It is not easy to do and WGT supports those owners with nothing other then a place to name their CC.

    The members are the ones that make or break a CC.

    The good news is there are alot of good CC's out there and choice is the best thing a person has with this game.

    Good Luck with your next CC and remember you only get out of a CC what you put in ....

  • Buggyyy
    1,963 Posts
    Sat, Dec 22 2012 10:09 PM


    Personally I dont know anyone at Elite CC but I will say that anyone who runs a CC is owed a bit of gratitude. It is not easy to do and WGT supports those owners with nothing other then a place to name their CC.

    The members are the ones that make or break a CC.

    The good news is there are alot of good CC's out there and choice is the best thing a person has with this game.

    Good Luck with your next CC and remember you only get out of a CC what you put in ....

    Hey PJ. This is not the point he is trying to make. He's trying to say that anyone that decides to leave Elite is hit with the "you can't compete with our top players" crap.

  • pjctas0822
    4,614 Posts
    Sat, Dec 22 2012 10:30 PM

    Hey PJ. This is not the point he is trying to make. He's trying to say that anyone that decides to leave Elite is hit with the "you can't compete with our top players" cra

    Ohhhh and Im just saying that choice is good for all and I dont think he meant nuttin bad . Hell All top players in all CC's are hard to compete with lol especially for me .

    I am just saying that members are the ones who can make a CC good or bad and the purpose of a CC IMO is to bring the players up and give all members a fair playing field in which to compete because that is what make s it fun. Im glad I am in the CC I am in thats for sure :)

  • AgentBrown123
    907 Posts
    Sun, Dec 23 2012 9:27 AM

    It goes both ways it's not just the players it's the owners job to get players into the club that will be active and to run the club in a way that will get people involved. For me it wasn't a good fit that's all. For some maybe not having credit tournaments doesnt matter to you, fine. I tried starting credit tournaments and they never got much participation. I'm not badgering the club, for some this could be all they ever wanted

    But the point of starting this thread like buggyyy said was to point out how classless the owner handled the situation and to possibly lead someone in another direction if they're looking for a CC. If you think he didn't mean anything by that comment than you are obviously oblivious sorry

    I had been one of his top players to be honest not saying that to pat myself on the back but he CLEARLY said that because he was bitter I left.

  • Hewsey
    1,957 Posts
    Sun, Dec 23 2012 10:01 AM

    I own a CC all be it a small one. I would prefer any member in ours, if they wish to leave,to let me know.  Once someone leaves I send them a note " sorry to see you leave, if you have a change of heart please let me know". End of story no matter what transpired.  IMO as said earlier having a pi$$ing match on this forum serves no purpose. 

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